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Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Fried Rice

  1. This actually sounds cool
  2. Yea and if you used an orca and slung ur boats you could make a lot
  3. i was just watching his VOD for today lol good times man
  4. yea that was not worth my time
  5. I only got 39k in a hemmt fuel
  6. So when i'm done filling my hemmt up with oil what do i do next?
  7. haha i bought one and i was like shit i'm next aren't I
  8. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925922571456483433/0DC983A1FC01A8D31E60158E63D2E4B32E95EFA0/ FT ben getting a perm for scripting LOL
  9. I think they are a new vehicle
  10. Wow awesome! Thanks for adding more stuff to do!
  11. What kind of vehicles will there be? Like hemmt size or box truck size
  12. This actually sounds really cool! Will def be doing more oil.
  13. Fried Rice


    Looking to buy a shed in S1 Somewhat near pyrgos or Rodopoli
  14. All the servers are broken atm nothing is working and its super laggy
  15. Yeaaaaa i often do crank up there I put an rv in the back of a hemmt thats filled with the suupplies
  16. Heroin should not move tbh Sofia is like dead
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