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Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Fried Rice

  1. Offer, current bid is at 5 mil. Comes with 1k Barley as well.
  2. You can also make 1 mil in 20 minutes now from cartels. If you want to go and make meth without a cut being taken out you should be able to defend it at all times. Not only are you making maximum profit from the Meth you are also making millions from the cartels.
  3. The problem before wipe was there were to many locations on the map and too many money making methods. People were too spread out or sitting afk in cities. When people fight they can go gear up at rebel or fight for gang boat/ gang fort, spawn there and gear up. There is no need to add a blackmarket to the fort. If they want to add kits to a house they can buy a therisa house and do it there.
  4. Fried Rice

    Scotch Buff

    I do think moonshine needs to be nerfed or scotch should be buffed. You can do moonshine the same way as scotch without waiting for it to age and make 200 dollars less.
  5. So if everyone is on the "same level" who's enforcing rules? Who's letting new people into the APD? It just wouldn't work.
  6. No, player count matters. Removing 30+ players from a faction will result in almost 30+ people leaving the server. And again, who do you propose runs the faction? And how come these questions aren't being asked about the medic faction or the admin team?
  7. Even if this did happen, who's going to be put in the place of all APD leadership? Something like this happens and it stops quite a few people from playing our server and there's 20+ slots that need to be filled.
  8. I'm not sure how annoying it would be, but when a new patch drops and new skins are released you can put them on those as a display of sort for people to check it out!
  9. The server has not had any of these issues in years. That's why V2 was made and why it was so barren at the start, they took everything out and remade it all. If I remember correctly it was the prison script on a never ending for loop checking if the prisoners had a weapon or not which caused server crashes.
  10. Athira looks horrible, you can tell its all off centered and lifeless, almost like there's too many rugged edges and things were placed in a rush. The other 2 look great! Can we use @Hubschrauber HQ designs? They look AMAZING and you can tell a lot of time and work were put into them.
  11. All this allows is people who use the mod to hear an orca from 2km away.
  12. Get rid of ratio or add back group cap..
  13. But its not, there's 6 TOWERS, 2 BARRACKS AND 2 FRONT HUTS to sit in with this design. If they were to add van spots they would have to lower it a ton, look at the walls its a platform, wall and barbed wire. The prison now has 1 barracks, 2 deerstands and some h barriers.
  14. While this does look AWESOME, you have to think about the fights. I see 6 towers and no where for cops to really push other than the front gate or an orca drop.
  15. Best ginger to ever touch Arma.
  16. Fried Rice


    If this happens, DOM money needs to be separate somehow.
  17. Why'd you circle him, that takes away all the fun...
  18. I'm personally a fan of the bounty staying, bounties get higher and more rewarding if a cop or BH turns them in. I also love sending someone to jail and sending them back to jail after they escape the next day.
  19. Learn how to rip. They aren't god mode, the tail rotor takes 3 bullets to rip out. Yikes. I dont understand this. Damn I guess when someone gets admin they aren't allowed to play with their friends!
  20. He also has on average 200 ping himself. Don't let it distract you from that.
  21. Every "unique water event" was garbage and hated on by the community. He can still grind and use the same items we are, plus there's no reason to go past 700k, he's at 1.5mil. Do we not want our player count to get past 70? No one ever came back and contested it, lets be real here it was dumb. Also cops have the HQ lockdown that never gets done. Wasn't a balanced fight, sucked for both sides once they changed how many tokens spawned.
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