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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. This is me and sonofromulus my alter ego
  2. +1 can go karts even carry a gold bar? If they could fix it to where quads do not blow up, I really do not see what would be different about go karts.
  3. No one here is arguing with you about how it went down. They are letting you know that technically you are breaking the rules, and you are agreeing to the fact by saying you rp with him 20 mins prior. In the future I would recommend you to restart the rp scenario and then you are all in the clear with killing him again. It must be within 5 minutes regardless if you know he remembers or not, the video he needs to submit only needs start 5 mins before his death.
  4. Had fun editing this, thought i would share.
  5. Like I said I understand the need for it, it just really does suck to be on the losing side of a vehicle explosion, knowing full well if I did something like that I would get in trouble. I just think It definitely should be last tactic tried is all.
  6. They zerg everything else why is this magically different. I am just simply stating that no one should be above server rules, VDM is defined as using ones vehicle to kill someone else is it not? If the police ram my vehicle and i get blown up that is vdm however you look at. If the police need to get past a vehicle they can find a way to do it without using tactics that they and they alone are allowed to use. That is what does not make sense.
  7. Do not know what you are going thru, but this song has always filled my with hope
  8. It is a bit of a grey area, i think it is 300, but the way the cartels are setup is there is really no reason to be by them if not trying to fight them.
  9. I think it is more just common courtesy than anything really. Names do show up as red but it still is nice to have a general idea of how many of your rival war members are on
  10. What you fail to realize is that rebels have better gear, weapons and typically more friends rolling with them then a bounty hunter. This is their one advantage and you want it taken away, just play smarter when you have a bounty. Everyone thinks it is fun getting a high bounty but then get mad when it does not end well for them, you want to be a rebel man up. If you let someone sneak up on you plain and simple it is your own fault, and besides if it is in a city you still have plenty of chances to be set free before you are arrested.
  11. You ask how can you defend yourself as a rebel< it really is simple. Know your surroundings and do not let anyone get to close to you. If you have a bounty the last thing you should be doing is hanging around with people you do not know in a city. Bounty hunters have it pretty rough as is, this is the one thing that gives them an edge,instead of complaining about a game mechanic that is here to stay, learn ways to avoid it all together.
  12. Romulus

    ✪ Eli

    I took the time to download star citizen again, also started playing world of warships and hearthstone again.
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