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Everything posted by Te.name

  1. That is a horrible place don't listen to him the best place is to fly to Stratis or take a boat
  2. One more thing me and a friend had a similar issue on a exile server he told me i wasn't getting a kick reason just a player had been kicked and I confirmed the same on his side it would repeat for a while and then after about half a hour it would chill
  3. Seattle my Internet tends to spike a it but it normal returns in seconds and all the times I haven't got the connection chain. I don't think it is the issue when I return to the menu I reload it and it says my ping is around 90
  4. I keep on getting you have been kicked from the server randomly went to go harvest hydrogen got it came back on a few hours later had to run all the way back to town. Was driving to the kavala hospital got it tried to come back on instantly got it after 3 minutes came back the next day a few hours later went to go search boats got it and now I'm stuck in the middle of the sea. If anyone has any solution it would be great since I've looked everywhere and can't find any at all.
  5. Box trucks I've seen it done before you just make it red add a white strip to it and a medic symbol or something like that
  6. Also large dug in ieds for blowing up police hq on the go
  7. Just make different levels of Medics first level Is the one you get when you join then after a certain amount of time you will get a message saying you can now apply for a upgrade on the forms then you get new features like an option to move abandoned vehicles off the road
  8. Let's have them sell body armor and a couple of machine. Guns
  9. It would be cool if you could just retrieve your comp from a option in the atm
  10. I've had staff just straight up send the shit to my inventory if it was a vehicle but I think they can only do it to vehicles not cash
  11. Horrible idea it will just make there be no medics on to revive people and it will end up like cops were there are only 5 of them to deal with 50 calls. The only reason medics cant do there job is because every one re spawns or gets revived by a cop when they get a call you will fly half way across the map to take a call and they will get bored and re spawn once you get within 1 km
  12. Hey server one has been broken for 3 hours can some one fix it
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