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Everything posted by cFeor

  1. In real life I can craft AKM's with Heroin so we should just mimic that
  2. Only Dust 2, slow awp shots, you use 4 to cycle through grenades, slow typing... Cancerrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  3. Imagine driving a vehicle to a place to make a vehicle then when you finally make the vehicle there is nowhere to store said vehicle. One would have to go... Then imagine you leave said vehicle behind and you are paranoid for the next 15 minutes because someone could have tampered with said vehicle. But seriously, please add garages in the vehicle factories, thanks!
  4. We are no longer being endorsed by Bohemia, how can we win the server election race?
  5. Thats funny i just came back too, look i still have a video of you from years ago
  6. Just add a max armor rating when you use both carrier lite and CSAT
  7. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooohhmyyyy gawwdd... Im not lying
  8. No I played under Cam as my arma name for like 5 min then changed it because there was another Cam
  9. for one, kavala still hasn't been revamped so it's not so chaotic, moving the vendors would help alot. There are alot of other things but the devs are putting in their best efforts to maintain the servers so +1 to that.. Arma will die before Asylum does because there is still little competition to my understanding.. Who are you?? D:
  10. Yeah I love Asylum still, but after almost a year of me being gone it sucks to see that some basic things weren't fixed yet
  11. why did you have to stay here /:
  12. What's up yall, my name is cCam, no relation to cFeor.
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