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Papa Vinny

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Everything posted by Papa Vinny

  1. Eh, popping between the two ruins the immersion for me. I want to peak rather than safely use the 3rd person camera. That's just me. But yeah that's pretty much what I did, cuz I had to when I was playing.
  2. Most people that I met who play ArmA enjoy third person. Though there are some, including myself, that enjoy first but cannot play in that perspective. This is because of the disadvantage that it brings to the player. Here is a question I'd like answered: If Asylum added a new, first-person only or "HC" server, would you try it out?
  3. Thanks Miss Evo I'll check it out. And yeah Legit I'd enjoy first person only too.
  4. Yeah I would rather have first person only too. But I tried to make some sort of compromise here.
  5. well gg I tried lol thanks for takin part in the poll everyone
  6. Suggestion: Reposition the third person camera when on foot. Make it "limited" so that there is balance between first and third person. -So everyone understands what I mean by limited, here: -If you wish to see gameplay with this type of third person, I suggest you watch either TVSBOH or YaBoyPrince's streams on twitch. They stream on another popular life server called Project Roleplay. Issue with Third Person: Vanilla third person allows players to view over and around obstacles without them needing to expose even the slightest bit of their bodies. Those who enjoy first person have a huge disadvantage. How Does This Benefit Gameplay?: -With the new third person camera location, players cannot see players around corners and over obstacles. They can however see a bit out of the right side if they are in cover, but the player has to adjust very close the corner. -Firefights are more nerve-racking, skill based, and realistic. How? Nerve-racking because the player will hear shots and won't know where the enemy is if completely concealed. Skill based because the player will have to be fast to hit an opponent who is peaking and has no previous recollection of location (Quickpeaking using the current third person wouldn't exist in other words). Finally, realistic because players will have to expose themselves to see their targets, as it is in real life. -There is some compromise so that those who enjoy first person will have a chance. This third person camera mostly just gives an FOV advantage. ***Note that this suggestion may be unattainable without mods. I saw a streamer switch the camera to the left shoulder once. Thank you for reading though. Check out this guy's thread, it is an idea by Ranger that I believe would benefit the server: ***
  7. I was looking into first person vs third person stuff, trying to see people's opinions. I was surprised and a bit disappointed that so many people preferred third person. So I thought that I could support this to make quickpeaking a bit harder and maybe give those who enjoy first person a chance.
  8. I personally like first person a lot, I'm always in it and have never experienced motion sickness. I'm sure it's something you have to get used to, I'd compare it to getting used to motion sickness on a boat for your first time. Though, I think a limited third person view on foot would be fair. If you ever played on Project Roleplay you'd know what I am talking about. It still allows you to look around corners without exposing yourself, but you can't really look up and over obstacles(stone fence) and you have to be very close to the corner. This would probably require a mod though.
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