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Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz

APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz

  1. The fact that it can't fool experienced players is a big problem that needs to be addressed. And I believe you about the pick up animation, but again, a simple hotkey for doing it would solve the trouble of having to drop a Y menu item just to grab it again and hope they don't notice. True, some would have but I've run into guys with truck boxers and even a hemmt that didn't shoot on sight (this was at cocaine). I convinced them I was friendly and they didn't shoot.
  2. Were you blood bagging prestige the entire time? No, seriously though, just today at heroin field there were two of us with two other newbie players and we ran around acting like we were picking up stuff (even used the half salute animation to semi fake it). They had their suspicions but weren't 100% sure but after they were busted, they said, "when we noticed you didn't make the proper picking animation, we thought something was up and figured you might be cops but you guys were nice so we brushed it off". Those were almost complete newbies in offroads, more experienced players would've put a bullet in our back. There's no harm in adding an animation that fake picks that could be bound to a custom control.
  3. Picking barley/berry at heroin field? And people already in game wouldn't really bother soft logging just to check the lobby, that would be acceptable vs just hitting CTRL-P and knowing instantly.
  4. @bamf @Paratus @Gnashes @speed A few suggestions I have that should be fairly easy to implement for UC that would make it a much more viable way to play as cop and I'm hoping you take it into consideration: 1. Add the ability to feign picking (e.g. act like you're picking up weed or heroin) - I've noticed that while at these fields, we just stand around or run around but never make a picking animation which automatically puts us under suspicion, even by newbie players. 2. Disable the ability for users to view the player list. Most of the experienced players use it to see who is a cop and therefore it constantly blows UC's cover. This could be used as a short term band-aid until a more comprehensive UC system is put in place. Thanks!
  5. Ever try building something on that island in the ARMA editor? It's extremely uneven and doesn't lend well to building a base there. I'm sure they will find a use for it eventually but a police HQ is the last thing that needs to be put there.
  6. I'm not sure if you seriously believe that or are being sarcastic. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the latter. Donald Trump says a lot of things but in truth, the Commander In Chief has limited powers and certainly cannot put up walls around neighborhoods. In addition, he's been on record as being against US intervention in places like Iraq and Syria while the Obama and Bush administration pushed full steam ahead. Why? Because all those crooks are bought and paid for by special interest groups and corporations. The Donald is threatening to unravel all that and knowing him, he would probably expose a lot of them in the process. As for Obama being a great President, I'd say he was okay overall. He inherited a broken economy and today it's a lot better off than it was in 2008. However, his Affordable Care Act is definitely broken no matter how well meaning it was and needs to be revised. In addition, he was anything but a peaceful President, just ask Pakistani/Afghan families that he's destroyed through droning.
  7. One of the leaders in the gang I run with plays ARMA 3 on a macbook...
  8. Hell yeah, thanks for looking into that! This is some great news from Asylum, I'm looking forward to the migration and as I said, if we do end up with a Western US server, I'll donate monthly to keep it going. P.S. If you get time, please look at my PM.
  9. Well looks like I was right when I said OVH was trash all along. Haych, GTA probably has a much more expensive hosting option than Asylum used. Their average Xeon servers are decent but their network is always DDOS'd, I experienced the same thing when I bought servers from them for Altis Life, Exile and KOTH. @bamf PLEASE put one of the servers (preferably #4) in Western USA! I'll even donate monthly if you do. Also check my PM to you
  10. Even American Muslims I've spoken with like Trump better than lying Hillary. This sex scandal is the final attempt by GOP + Democrats to get rid of Trump because he's not owned by special interests like they are and therefore is a threat to them. Voting for Hillary is basically telling the establishment that you are a willing sheep.
  11. You can always write a strongly worded letter.
  12. The mass RDM was great, you showed those unarmed kavalians who's boss.
  13. Don't expect deep RP out of people hanging out in Kavala as it's a haven for trolls. If you insist on hanging out there, be sure to record and report rdm instances as admins will take action if given proof.
  14. Nobody takes squeakers seriously and most would mess up at the end of the day because they are kids. Plus I don't think anyone in the APD wants to hear multiple squeakers on TS.
  15. I had a headache before I heard that song and now it's worse, I'm suing.
  16. He's saying he did a 180, not go around it from what I understand which means the officer in question did not have probable cause.
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