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Erron White

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Erron White

  1. Erron White


    no... the devs dont need to waste there time making pets...
  2. im not really looking for a kavala shed but I will take it into consideration! thanks you <3
  3. If you have a industrial shed on server 2 reply with its location and how much you are selling it for and ill see if I want to buy it <3
  4. Later on i corected my self but to shorten the video i cut it out
  5. Im a old time memer from asylum wayyy before you Ill tell you that much
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y83ZQ3DVklQ
  7. Its not all Asylum clips but they are the majority (All of the asylum clips are from a few months ago so no hate on potato XD
  8. Ok i have the worst luck and the best luck it just depends on the day, This is a bad day for me XD
  9. I had a friend in cop restraints next to my car so i went to save him
  10. It wasnt RDM i threw the nade at the group of cops you can even see then some civs got near it i didnt intend to kill them
  11. After the situation was over i went back and apologized and explained how the gernade was ment for the cops around it and i compensated them 10k each but they all got revived and didnt lose anything major. That goes with all of my clips i put in my videos i make sure to talk to the person and make sure everything is good with them and if not i make it right.
  12. Didn't it blow up? when i ran back up there i saw the smoke from it or maybe it was something els XD
  13. so Alex wants more cash or is he just doing this shit?
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