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Everything posted by Mcgee

  1. As topic now becomes cop stories.... lol
  2. I donated some and bought loot keys. Speaking of loot, where can we sell Loot Crates or is that not a thing?
  3. Is there a way to increase the slots then?
  4. If they are dying, then why am I getting the Max client reached for each of them? Again screenshot of them basically being full by the trackers: http://prntscr.com/bu5zxf
  5. Can we have like another server or two? Pretty much, since I been playing for the past few weeks, at this time all of them are full with a back log of others waiting to join. I mean people are spamming the enter button right now to join a server because they are full. Here is a screenshot of what the trackers are saying: http://prntscr.com/bu5wsf And on a personal note, I like to think all the staff members of Asylum along with the players for making this community great. This community is awesome. Thanks, McGee
  6. That would be very helpful and appreciated, especially when someone has stuff in their houses and they don't want it all gone. Thanks, McGee
  7. Yea, that's one of the cons of it. I been spending days trying to find a decent house in a decent location. So far I been to some of the smaller towns far from the spawn major towns/cities. Even between donor and the air field, those houses are taken. New players honestly can't get a house unless they get really lucky, someone sells theirs to them and not scam them, or they have to settle with the 40k houses that look like crap. I'm still searching for the right spot, but it doesn't look too good. Just wish something could be done. Maybe every year or how ever long, purge all the databases and have a new start for everyone. Some will be mad at this idea but it allows new players to have a chance at stuff like houses. I mean honestly, you basically start from square one when you die/suicide. Just my thoughts and opinions. Thanks, McGee
  8. So, I'm fairly a new player to the Altis Life and the community itself. I have been playing a few weeks though. Right now I'm house hunting and it comes to my attention that most houses that are above 40k and that aren't in the middle of no where are taken. I, along with few other players, wonder how long it has been since some of these owners has been on one of the servers. My question is, is there a way that Dev Team can implement something to where if an owner of a house hasn't logged into the server that it will be back on the market? Example, like if I bought a house and was gone for 30 days, the 31st day the house would be on the market. Thanks, McGee
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