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    Playing games and helping out other people. I'm usually a fairly nice person but please don't get on my nerves :)

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  1. @Paratus Do you know when JSRS Apex support will be added?
  2. Still no Tanoa exchange
  3. "JSRS APEX just on its own - jsrs-apex.bikey JSRS APEX with reloading sounds - jsrs-apex.bikey and jsrs-apex-handling.bikey + the server side dummy files to stop RPT spamming (some admins dont want to load the files on their server so thatswhy I separated things here)" This was taken from the readme.txt file included with the bikeys. Im just curious, how are these a key for CBA and FHQDebug?
  4. And @bamf @Paratus, if all you need is the server key, I just uploaded it to dropbox. Just so you don't have to download the entire thing Server key(s): https://www.dropbox.com/s/h04kcin32zo1dmy/jsrs_server_keys.zip?dl=0 There are two keys that were included with apex, both of them are in that link.
  5. @bamf @Paratus Please add JSRS4 Apex!!! JSRS4 Apex: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/187343-jsrs4-apex/
  6. Can you add the exchange to tanoa please?
  7. 1. Market on Tanoa for some items is bugged/missing. 2. Exchange is not added to Tanoa. 3. Some people are still experiencing housing problems and bugged crates (Not me thankfully). 4. After this recent hot fix, I can no longer put oil barrels into boats? They disappear every time I try to put one on (Even after re-logging). Can these be fixed/added before adding new features? Pretty please:)
  8. In-Game Name: chasEE Any other previous names you have gone by: None Arma and Asylum Hours (approx.): Arma - https://gyazo.com/4fbaa9af0a32aec9ba8e39b2f4ac0087 | Asylum - 300 Hours Have you ever been Banned? If so, why?: No I have not. Current/Past Gangs: None. Do you have a Mic and Teamspeak?: Yes! What can you bring to ATF?: I can bring marksmanship and tactical skills that I have acquired over 2000 hours of Arma 3 and can bring a passionate willingness to do anything to be the best
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