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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. Lucky

    Shittage #1

    You have to choose 1 way to spell Mildred in this its MILDRID but on steam its Mildred...
  2. Lucky

    Shittage #1

    0/10... Would watch again -IGN
  3. Lucky


    Common sense is not with us all
  4. Tru i thought i was i dont think that would of made a difference tho
  5. As you can tell by my title im a Professional Rebel
  6. I saw this yesterday and wanted to die
  7. Dont let him judge our people. Hatchling mission runs will prevail and we will have more FAST MTs and Fort Armors than him!
  8. I think 20k for a Mk-1 loadout is a pretty good idea but less i feel is too far
  9. I know I am a Professional Rebel I fight all the cartels
  10. That's cause the only montage I have is me crashing hatchbacks as a Constable and I can send that your way if you wanna see some elite driving skills
  11. If you watch the whole clip none of the guys knew you were there but dont turn this into name calling c'mon man I'm just saying whenever someone does anything you dont just gotta hate and be toxic I am just playing arma and having fun
  12. This was in your montage
  13. I know 2.2k hours on arma is pretty much starting but I have spent that 2.2k hours pretty much only using Mk-1s. SPAR-17s and MXMs. I decided to use the LIM a little bit relax.
  14. Hey we were just checking em out and they started lighting one of us up
  15. Lies I am the best rebel youll ever meet
  16. But the recoil is too good
  17. https://gyazo.com/0c42e829b20bf55e6cdb272b6061a732 I tried embedding it but it made it gross
  18. Lucky


    i connect fine on 3.1.8
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