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Everything posted by WorldSoupp

  1. Nothing is impossible . The word itself says "im possible" -@DaRealHarambey225
  2. Whats so wrong with rebelling ? *edit is it because you is a cop ? XD
  3. *mininote i was not good at power point presentations in school so bare with me The Alpha Enforcers are an Active group of Rebels who want to seize the rights of the civilians . They use any mean necessary , robbery , hostages , brutal torture to get their point across to the other gangs . They are a gang worthy for action upon other gangs and are willing to become the best and one of the top tier gangs . Roster Status OPEN Requirements *Microphone *Active on Server #2 FORMAT In-Game Name: Age: Bank Balance: Have you ever been banned? Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? Do you the leaders of our gang? Time Zone?
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