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Limited Gang Skin Applications (OPEN)


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Gang Skins


Applications for gang skins are now open.

These will be very limited, as we will only have a total of 5 gangs at any given time that will have the ability to have their own personalized skin. 

Pricing will be as follows

  • $50 initial fee for skin development and developer time.
  • $30 renewal fee each month they would like to keep their skin.


If you are interested please have your gang leader apply under the Support Request Section titled "Gang Skin Applications" and fill out each section.



Senior Admins will review each application and make a decision as to which gangs will receive a slot, based on a number of factors, ranging from the number of members to overall gang activity.


Each month the Senior Admins will review each gang that currently holds a slot and decide whether or not they are remaining active before extending the option to renew. If a gang fails to pay to renew before the 5th of each month they will lose their slot, and must reapply and wait their turn for another to open.

Once a gang is selected they may provide their own skin, or work with our Design Team to create one.
At this time each gang will be limited to one skin to reduce the workload of our designers, In time we MAY allow gangs to have a second skin

If you have any concerns or feedback please reach out to a Senior Admin


william, Witz, manhua and 1 other like this
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