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Increase payouts for shit

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It's in the title. Increase the payouts for shit. A lot of things are useless. I know in the community meeting this was brought up and people said it was being looked into but I think increasing the payout of only illegal items isn't enough. No one does Jury summons because the payout sucks and is a waste of time. Why would I do that when I could be running heisenberg or honestly even weed is a better payout than that. Increase it to 20k and people will actually go. Cartels are dead and they won't have much fighting if people have to grind for a half hour to get a loadout. Why the fuck would I get off an 8-10 hour shift to go to another shift in game just to get robbed or killed half the time. Honestly increasing the ability to make money would GREATLY help the server. Youd have more people interacting in towns and cartels, more fed events, less RWTing, and just an overall better experience in the server rather than afk grinding for hours so I can buy 5 loadouts. If your in a big gang with experienced players this grind is easier since you have WAY more protection. However for newer players getting robbed the second they come out of passive, its ridiculous for them.


Also now that Kavala isnt as heinous as it used to be. Indicate on the spawn tab that this is for new players. The money making over there is much less contested and will be so much easier for them to make early money. But again increase the payouts of them cause weed and most of the shit in kavala sucks ass. New players are going to immediately leave if they can't start actually buying shit in their first couple hours or even first hour. Anyway thats my rant...

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