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Everything posted by Fitz

  1. New kraken waters with a nitrous jump into gangboat
  2. We are continuing to evaluate what events we want to return, and I would expect some new cop v civ content for the next patch. We are not going to be returning to the meta of pure fed events for combat, so it is very difficult to increase optionality while keeping this in mind. Some will come back, most will not.
  3. Hotfix #9: Re-added Goldpan trucks Re-added the ability to purchase House Addons Fixed a bug with escorting when the escortee has died Fixed some houses not being able to be repaired Crank/Moonshine trucks can only be operated 40m away from a building (up from 20m) Cannot use moonshine/crank trucks within 400m of a house you have keys to Fixed revive cooldowns not working properly Possibly fixed tilde occasionally not working Re-enabled passive mode for new players Salt should now work with the processing truck
  4. This was not intended to be a thing, the tower will be returned in the near future
  5. Doing this myself the other day there is the following issue, if you for say collect only diamonds, then those rocks are then replaced with a weighted value of copper diamond and iron. Therefor by gathering just diamonds you are decreasing the numbers of available diamonds. tldr gather all of the rocks and drop the ones you don’t want to increase the likelihood of doing so
  6. Yeah I have no idea what you're trying to say https://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/support/create/
  7. Updated to include the overview of Athira
  8. As part of our upcoming V3 release we are evaluating a variety of map oriented changes to refresh our cities. Our map designers @zdeat and @.Nathan have been tirelessly working to make our cities something new while holding onto the way our cities have been traditionally setup. Below there are a number of screenshots from these updated cities, we are seeking RAPID FIRE, and straight to the point feedback on these edits so when we go live (ideally sometime towards the end of the week) our peoples are happy and excited for what we have cooked up for everyone. Athira has the most changes, including relocation of square (across the street) and addition of a theater and housing. Please give constructive feedback, we want things to be ready to go. Thank you in advance. Athira: Pyrgos: Sofia:
  9. This is not being done to help new players, there is 0 reason to play the game when you have everything, it’s like being in creative mode. That’s the reason why in the past admins play style changes once they get unlimited money, we are doing this to make everyone even, make everyone have the same experience that made us all fall in love in the first place. Yes, the last patch left some things to be desired but this should’ve been done years ago, irrespective of any of that. The server has been in dire straits since 2021, and what we were doing wasn’t working anymore. Fundamentally the asylum experience is what we all fell in love with, it wasn’t our scotch house, or unlimited ifrits. its disappointing to see people look at this negatively, I get it, it sucks. But at the end of the day, we’ve got a lot of really cool stuff cooking for you guys, and I hope when we pull the trigger it can respark some of the memories we’ve all had here
  10. Likely yeah to all, atm still planning on paring down the illegal options, but we’ve got some stuff cooking for other metas, in the future we’ll make sure things evenly distributed
  11. We will see if there is a better way to do this in the future
  12. People seem to constantly tell me they dont want to grind anymore. If these sentiments suddenly shift then we can use this as a framework
  13. I already did this I was just trolling you
  14. We are going to be looking at an economical shift in a fundamental way, at this point we want to promote interactions. Once these changes have occured we can take another look at things
  15. Fitz

    Vehicle Ideas

    So I understand that other servers have some of this content, we are going to be looking in the future to a better way to implement the Impound Lot idea to make it such that you will have access to some end game vehicles. In terms of the SUVs and Jeeps sucking, I'll take a look
  16. Fitz


    I agree with what Big Fart said, at its current standing login bonuses do not keep up with inflation, and well kinda suck. We will look into how to better this system as we move forward
  17. This is a good suggestion that we will keep in mind when moving forwards
  18. Fitz

    Enriched Uranium

    This is a good idea that we are going to take into account. Most of our feedback seems to be centered around less activities not more, we will continue to keep all of this feedback in mind moving forwards
  19. Dropping some questions in here, closing on Wednesday night.
  20. I'm going to try and address what everyone seems so kerfuffled about, and which I understand for the most part. This is the exact issue that we as a community have had forever, its the same as politics. The loudest people are the ones who get heard. I add something and either people tell me they like it, or they complain about it, then we change it so try and help out the guys who didn't like it, and then the other guys tell me they hate it. We had a community meeting three weeks ago, where I laid out exactly what I was going to be doing for this patch, I removed the tiers because people thought they were confusing, I reworked the Nikolais because people didnt like boat combat, I moved the stash houses because people said they were too close to the cities, and after I do that, people tell me they liked it the other way. It is great that you guys have opinions about stuff, but when you dont articulate them I'm not sure what you expect to happen. I said it to anyone that would listen when I got contributor that I was not afraid to try new things to see how they worked, we get feedback, and then we change things accordingly, but at the end of the day I canot divine what people want to be the gameplay, because rebels want more rebel stuff, cops want more cop stuff, grinders want more grind, city rats want city stuff, and then I try and cater to some of these groups and everyone else gets pissed off. Nothing is half thought through, the prestige tiers were discussed for 6 weeks with the devs and the sas before they were added, and a similar time frame for removal, theres maybe 5 of us who are trying to boost the pop and carry this community through a tough time. I don't see any of these complaints in the suggestions forums, I dont see them in my dms. If you want something done or have an idea say it, if you support something say it, I envision patching again in the next week to rectify what seems to be an incredible amount of unhappiness, I'll be putting some polls up in the discord, if you want your voice heard, make it heard.
  21. Craftable ones
  22. Hotfix #1: Fixed cops being in godmode at Casino (Ill take it on this one) Scotch maybe breaking at one point The prowler at impounds spawning in the ground APD prowlers being able to be stolen OP guns not being on the exchange Suppressors being dropped for not having the prestige tiers Being able to hack the casino tables without the gate being breached Someone maybe being able to exploit the prestige comps
  23. Of course Chris Peacock, the person who started it gets 700k when they complete the event, same as with other shipping robberies. Again as chow said I’ll move the spawn so it’s slightly higher. I would strongly encourage you to not be in restraints when you complete the event. Fucking unplayable
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