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**** APD Policy Update 01/11/2025 ****

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Effective Immediately

Policy Change:


The Special Response Team (SRT) is a team of officers that operate and partake in higher risk operations than standard patrol. They respond to Asylum Domination events as well as occasionally disrupting gang ownership of cartels in attempts to curtail rebel activity on Altis. Due to the high risk nature of their role, the following policy will be adhered to regarding SRT:


SRT Officers may be deployed for the following purposes:

  1. Asylum Domination Event
  2. SRT Cartel Raids

  3. APD Convoy Event

  4. SRT Bases Raid


Domination SRT:

  1. When an Asylum Domination event is active, any Constable may deploy for SRT.

  2. This is done by clicking “Deploy as SRT Domination” at a Warrant NPC at any APD HQ while domination is active.

  1. During domination, officers deployed as SRT may go to the domination capture points and attempt to uncapture them. 

  2. While deployed as SRT during domination, only lethal ammunition may be used. 

  3. SRT does NOT count towards federal event counters. No officer deployed as SRT should respond to any federal event except the APD Convoy and SRT Base Raid as described below.


SRT Cartel Raids

  1. SRT Cartel Raids must be authorized by a SGT+
  2. To activate, the SGT+ will “Activate Elite Squad” at a Warrant NPC at any APD HQ.
  3. All officers involved in the raid MUST be SRT (Maximum of 6 SRT)
  4. In order to start SRT Cartel Raids, there must be a minimum of 40 civilians online; OR, there is a group of 5+ online that own the cartel(s).

  5. SRT Officers may respond to this raid as many times as needed while the APD is still uncapping/controlling the cartel flag. If the raid/flag control is lost to the rebels, officers may be revived, but can no longer return. 
  6. If SRT fails to complete a raid at any cartel, they may NOT attempt to raid and uncap that cartel for the remainder of the restart. 

  7. All SRT Officers involved in cartel raids will only use lethal ammunition. 

  8. Only 3/4 of the active cartels may be captured per restart.

  9. SGT+ shall mark the map at their chosen cartel after the raid.


APD Convoy: 

  1. An APD Convoy event must be started by a SGT+ and must be authorized by the highest ranking SGT+ online.

  2. There must be a minimum of 5 officers in attendance to start a convoy. (Including the SGT+ initiating it).

  3. The officer driving the convoy vehicle must drive the vehicle to Athira HQ. While driving the convoy vehicle, the officer may NOT stop to fight or engage in combat unless they are defending themselves when stuck or disabled. 

  4. During this event, the contents of the vehicle may NOT be removed from the inventory. 

  5. Only lethal ammunition will be used during the convoy escort. Normal lethal policy will go back in place once the convoy is delivered.

  6. SRT must be disabled by a SGT+ once the convoy event is over.


SRT Base Raid: Rebels may sometimes attempt to raid the SRT Base to try and get the money pooled from uncaptured cartels.

  1. SRT may be deployed when an SRT Base Raid is started

  2. All officers must respond for a minimum of two (2) lives to attempt to stop the raid. 

  3. If the event vehicle is stopped after it escapes and officers find the contraband (Banded Bank Notes) inside the vehicle, which has no registered owner, the driver of the event vehicle will be charged with any illegal contents. 

  4. Once the SRT Base Raid is over, the SRT Base Security MUST be re-enabled.

SRT Loadouts and Equipment may ONLY be used while deployed for SRT. As soon as SRT is disabled, or anytime an officer has an SRT loadout when SRT is not active, all SRT gear MUST be dropped and seized. 

SRT Base may NOT be used as an HQ to process civilians if the defense systems are active. 

Abandoned Target Range:

  • The inactive ordinance range will be treated as an illegal area and will follow the standard policy regarding patrol of illegal areas. 

  • Any civilian found to be in possession of Bomb Fragments or Bomblets will be charged with Possession of Explosives. 

Mr. Chow, Maaqs, Alex. and 6 others like this
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