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After playing a decent amount of the bounty job I have some complaints I would like to make. First and foremost I would like to see a change in the way bounties are selected, me being a new player myself I have a hard time getting a decent bounty target, either the bounty I am selected is across the map or in a rebel outpost. This makes it nearly impossible to get them. So I would like to see it be changed to where I can select the bounty or have it get the nearest bounty to me. A second change I would like to see goes along with the first one, if that is not possible to choose your bounty then give us an ability to cancel a bounty so we can get matched to another one.

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Yeah this is so frustrating bounty hunting is fucked.

Only way I can get good tracking is to have max bounties. I want the good tracking but with 10k bounties. 90% of the time as a bounty hunter with full Talents you get almost all 100k+ bounties. cops have a hard time with these bounties even with the ability to respawn and gear quickly can you imagine how hard it is as a bounty hunter? i think the code is messed up because you only get super high bounties pretty much if you have full talents. bounty hunting just sucks rn and it could be awesome.

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Indeed, and also most of bounties I get, they just abort in the way to the courthouse, I lose my bounty and the guy is free to do what he wants... They should put a system that if the guy closes the game we get the bounty and he is sent directly to jail. Am I right? 

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On 5/22/2016 at 2:18 PM, Ivan said:

Indeed, and also most of bounties I get, they just abort in the way to the courthouse, I lose my bounty and the guy is free to do what he wants... They should put a system that if the guy closes the game we get the bounty and he is sent directly to jail. Am I right? 

They have that if your in cop restrains. the only way it would work for Civ's is if bounty hunters got specific restrains that would be like the cop ones where it would send them to jail.

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Last time I ever did any bounty hunter activities was last year so sorry If I may not sound up to date :\. But one of the things i remember that used to be a pain in the ass for me (apart from the fact that bounties were normally on the other side of the map) was whenever I had to put a bounty in my vehicle he would try to get out. This meant that I would have to put him in the vehicle while its locked and then quickly have to unlock my vehicle and then get in quickly and re-locking it again. My suggestion would be to add a talent only available under the bounty hunter section which would allow ONLY bounty hunters to get inside their vehicles. (MUST HAVE THE KEY TO THE VEHICLE IN ORDER TO GET IN.) 

A lot of you might just tell me to "Report" the guy who did this but it really does suck having to create multiple threads a day just because someone exploited their way out. It really takes away from the game :(

Edited by Fat Guy
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