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An Organization

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Create an empire.


A cut of all money made while working under CEO or management.
Hourly Paycheck while working under CEO or management
Pay Bonuses
Paycheck Increase/Promotion
We are not like other gangs. We are an organization that exist to accumulate wealth. We will offer many different items on Exchange. We do not exist to fight but to make money that is our main priority. Obviously we will be fighting a lot though in the process. I will not make much money as CEO but you will be payed well if you work for me. You will get a cut from all work we do so basically the same money you would make with any other gang except on top of that I will pay you an additional hourly wage. This will cost me a lot at first but as we grow it should balance out.
This is very important because as we grow and people are promoted there will be a lot higher checks and pay percentages for Management and Executives.
New Hire
Will offer high bounties certain players will pay bonus if brought alive
If you fail to protect CEO and High Level Executives you will receive a pay decrease
Likely you will be making a LOT of money if you join and I may be losing money at first but I want everyone to understand how beneficial it will be to work under our organization.
This is kind of an idea still so please don't hate. Hopefully i'll get a response if not probably just tank it but thanks for any constructive criticism or input as well.

In-Game Name:


Estimated Asylum Time:

Bank Balance:

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Why do you want to join our organization?

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