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Actually being able to rob people.

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This is a way for people who aren't bounty hunters.

Yo, so robbing people on asylum is pretty lame.

Here's an example.

Player with X item gets robbed. Player doesn't want to lose X item so he puts his hands up. Robbers want X item. Player realizes that X item is the only reason he has his hands up. Player then doesn't give you the item in an attempt to pull a "If I can't have it no one can." The player gets shot and X item is gone forever. (vests, guns, etc.)

This exact situation happens all the time. I recommend a way to strip people who you have hand cuffed.

This strip feature wouldn't apply to people who were downed and forced into hand cuffs. Only the players who by choice put their hands up.


TL:DR - I recommend a way to strip people who are hand cuffed

Edited by Shane McCoy
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to me this would promote less RP.  someone puts there hands up. boom you get what you want, don't have to work for it... no one would work for the items anymore because why when you can buy a rook and rob someone of their gear.   i understand where you are coming from, but in my opinion this just doesn't scream RP.  its will just turn everyone against everyone to get free shit.  just my 2 cents :P

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14 minutes ago, Leap said:

But if someone fully geared entered any high pop area a group of people with rooks could just rob him and take all of his stuff. That would be so totes lame. 

This happens regardless. It is up to the player to put their hands up. Plus I didn't "invent" any rules to this. But maybe make it so you can't rob with a pistol because its "not intimidating enough"


15 minutes ago, KillZone said:

to me this would promote less RP.  someone puts there hands up. boom you get what you want, don't have to work for it... no one would work for the items anymore because why when you can buy a rook and rob someone of their gear.   i understand where you are coming from, but in my opinion this just doesn't scream RP.  its will just turn everyone against everyone to get free shit.  just my 2 cents :P

Rping the situation doesn't work. No one will want to give you their items because you had good rp. No one RPs anyways.

I've seen this implemented on actual RP servers aswell. It works.

Edited by Shane McCoy
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