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pan fried

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Everything posted by pan fried

  1. imagine making content for fags and cheaters didn't work out ... what a bummer ...
  2. I mean could work only those kind of players are mentally retarded enough to care about stats on a dead game playing a dead server
  3. pan fried


    in all the years I played on this server I never applied to cop once because there were always complete goobers like you on the helm. Little retards that think because they have a little authority ingame everyone should kiss their asses and should listen what they have to say even though they are retards. I recently got cadet for the first time last year and played like 30 minutes in which I had to go to banks 3 times and listen to dumbasses about how they hate this and that gang. The gloating squealing of brain damaged idiots when they finally got the guys they hate and timeout them from playing was really something I never want to experience again. I logged off and never want to play with retards like that again. This whole shit is fostered by higher ups like you especially that noone ever liked on civ then handjobbed their way to a rank in the apd .... where they kept being dumbfucks but now had an army of constables and cadets that had to play nice with them or could never be promoted. WIPE THE APD get rid of forever retards like Akeelagi etc. would make everything 10 times better
  4. pan fried


    WIPE the APD only chance left you already flushed this shit down the drain again by listening to those retards
  5. the way they balance and patch things you could probably make this an only cop server anyway .... I think career cops would appreciate that change too then they wouldn't have to deal with those pesky civs anymore that just want to play the game. They could just stroke their own egos all day long and play the promotion minigame who blows the most
  6. pan fried


    that's so cool maybe the silent majority that you guys wanna build your community around will finally show up and make this event a big success
  7. you should increase the cost of everything on cop for about 300% since you want people farming and doing runs I never see any career higher ups etc. doing runs because you arrest a guy and you got money for weeks on cop .... start with that
  8. supressors were the best thing added since paratus went off to scam people with identity
  9. like most things on asylum ... it doesn't work anyway
  10. kick the tranny doxxer out and mr. whiner chow "furgeson" mein and kick william too he starts banning people for a month for racism when the gamer word is a constant companion in the admin chats @Acceptablebtw he ran into my car fag https://streamable.com/6tonus
  11. pls do it and give this shit the killing blow or maybe it will revive because tom told a couple more of his friends to buy new accounts just allow cheating at this point tbh take this new angle as the cheater server and maybe you will keep it full
  12. bubbleboy living his best life .. congrats that you and your 5 other friends think everything is fine
  13. retard thinks that people want a leaderboard for useless prestige ... think about it there already was a leaderboard ... for money ... forcing people to spend their money? the only thing they are forcing people to do is quit the server because of retarded opinions and ideas and shut the fuck up about level headed responses when all you do is antagonize
  14. we in Farmersville fight every cartel fair and square ask anyone we are well known for fair play and kindness
  15. this is exactly why the server is failing again right now listening to retards 🙂 if you guys are really so scared of people ruining your 1 or 2 weeks of fights with explosives or that you can't afford the house you want to buy for the 2 weeks you will stick around .... just buy planks retards
  17. pan fried

    V2 Or V3

    the ones that matter poor @Bag Of Funyuns did grind his life away
  18. pan fried

    V2 Or V3

    tbh the players that actually played the server after wipe and grinded above 10 mil get fucked for the second time with prestige it's just another sneakwipe for anyone that wasn't just afk filling slots
  19. let's be honest here with the new money cap and prestige system it's as good as another wipe arguing against it just makes you look like a liar ...people wanted their money back not another reason to grind you dont want grind? here have some grind! you hate grinding? grinding we give you! -Asylum Jedi Mindtrick Academy Team
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