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Bug Bounty Program

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So we have had a lot of issues with Asylum bugs/exploits recently and I have come up with a slight solution. This won't solve the DDoS problems or fix every issue, but it can possibly fix some severe issues with the server. Introducing the Asylum Bug Bounty Program, a way to help the server and earn a little of the sweet Asylum cash everyone loves (or maybe credits?). 

So you may be asking yourself, what is a bug bounty? Well in the industry a bug bounty is when someone allows people to attempt to break things, with the offering of cash reward for showing proper evidence of the bug, as well as a way to reproduce the issue. I suggest we do the same thing here, but instead of cold hard cash, we substitute it with either Asylum cash or credits. The reward will be determined by the severity of the bug and strict guidelines will outline the rewards for each severity. 

Just a simple way to possibly make @Paratus's job a little easier and have some incentive in doing so.

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51 minutes ago, ProjectGemini said:

"Along with alcohol, both organizations have banned beta-blockers, which are drugs that slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and are commonly used to treat cardiovascular conditions. "

I'm assuming they wouldn't be dumb enough to tell someone with hypertension or a heart condition not to take their beta blocker for a competition otherwise they'd get sued to oblivion. 

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