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  1. True but it was worth a shot.
  2. During squeaker patrol some people didn't take me seriously. Until they were shot.
  3. And I just realized that I put this in stryfe suggestions
  4. Maybe going off of maturity rather than age. I had a lot of fun in squeaker patrol and I was complemented many times on how mature I was being. There should be a week period where the young recruit gets tested out to see if they are mature. Then they can be a normal cop.
  5. luche

    Vermin Runs

    Can someone make a vermin running cheat sheet for all vehicles?
  6. luche


    I am never in kavala anymore
  7. luche


    Thanks for putting a cape on our cartel.
  8. luche


    However long your dad lasts in bed
  9. In game name: Bassel Age:13 Location/Timezone:EST Arma 3 hours(screenshot):https://gyazo.com/628a499f70141ce8afda648e144c2053 Asylum hours:Around 50-60 Previous gangs: Some but I don't remember their names and I never did anything with them. Asylum cash (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/be9536e8aec4cd3b1a11d3b1fafce4e1 Why do you want to join us? (2 sentences minimum): I want a gang that will support me. My other ones nearly got me banned. I also hate the APD for their age discrimination. Do you know any current members who can vouch for you?: Is ErenAwesome still in FSM?
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