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  1. Ill take it that you aren't good with english. So P-L-E-A-S-E L-E-A-V-E T-H-E F-O-R-U-M P-A-G-E Y-O-U H-A-V-E B-E-E-N D-E-N-I-E-D, T-Y لقد حرموا شكرا Вие сте бил отказан благодаря ви Du har nekats tack Je hebt geweigerd dank u 你已被拒絕謝謝 あなたが拒否されたあなたに感謝 Σας έχουν αρνηθεί να σας ευχαριστήσω Sie wurden verleugnetet danken
  2. Denied, have a nice day and with looking for a gang.
  3. I miss Inquisitor from FSA, he was always a goods annoying Brit in the channels. He always filled them up with pent up rage from being dumped by girls, and getting dunked on by "hacking foes", everyone he met seemed to hack, was quite odd. No clue where he has gone, but from what i heard he was arrested because he kept kicking people violently. #FeelTheBoot
  4. The meaning of the song isn't that kids shouldn't stay in school, it's that the alleged useless subjects he mentions in the song shouldn't stay in school. He makes the point that so many kids leave the school system with no knowledge of how to manage their lives, but have knowledge of abstract mathematical concepts that many (unless going into science or engineering) will never use again. So think more before you assume something from a song.
  5. I couldn't stop watching....it was so good. This is Jessie's dream man i bet.
  6. Every time I imagine this when Sean/Irish talks in Team speak or forums and tries to be witty.
  7. -1 Not Safe for work, this video shows the killing of a poor Chinese family at a rebel.It should be taken down immediately
  8. Check #5 again, but remove the kappa. Its better to suck a admin and Lt at the same time, bonus points
  9. If i suck enough dick i get promoted right?? Well here i go then, 1. Hypanius 2. ED 3. Jamooze 4 Badabing 5 Any other high level career cop that are garbage at shooting (No real order, a suck is a suck right??)
  10. Alrighty, i prob should've long ago. Join FSA at the ending of my life! (Jokes about not having one GG)
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