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  2. Its time consuming to have to keep opening the prompt and scroll through all the vehicles one by one.
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  4. blud doesnt know what racism is, xenophobia is what this is. But yes i definitely agree that this whole post is just bs icl all the Crimson freaks (which i believe is your gang) doesnt witchhunt anyone, but rather everyone. I have yet to have a Crimson member accept comp for accidents and just want people banned, couldn't tell you why they want the whole server banned
  5. Go shoot up a school to calm yourself abit rather
  6. Keep talking shit about my boyfriend and you'll find your entire family backed over with my honda civic you absolute runt lick human being. You're lucky you live so far away or else you'd be in my torture dungeon reciting Chow Mein's Little Red Book.
  7. My guy fried rice getting some Yuans to say this things
  8. Sorry I was just confused because you guys have a higher ping than me and your argument is “it’s a defining factor”. We fight EU on dom all the time and they lag like crazy, yet we aren’t witch hunting on the fourms to remove them.
  9. You are delusional . Eu ping was never a problem for anyone nobody ever seriously thought its a problem it's not game breaking like 300 ping is , this server was always 50/50 eu / na
  10. Most retarded statement I've ever heard, when they're hitting the ping cap which is nearly triple our ping that's when it's a problem. EU people play on NA servers in every game, CS, Valorant, League but when do you ever see china playing on NA or EU? you don't because they are region locked or 300 ping is unplayable for them/us. we aren't saying they're unkillable, we're not saying they destroy us read my post, I said they're fun fights, long good fights but it's ridiculous that 2-300 ping is the norm.
  11. Chow is so cute when he spits facts like this.
  12. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. I mean, yea they lag but so do you guys? The EU doesn’t have perfect ping either. I never encounter what you showed in these videos. Sure they get a kill here and there, but nothing wild. Me, vortex and tach were 3v13 last week and wiped them back to back for an hour or 2 with no complaints other than being outnumbered. When I connect to an EU server my ping is like 150-200, so I’m sure you FSA kids aren’t much better. Should we ban you guys as well since you have 100 more ping than me?
  14. you fight them at cartels for a week, we push og window CQC but trade constantly, when we kill them it doesn't even say that we got the kill it just say's they died? if you don't think ping is a defining factor when playing video games then you're the biggest retard known to mankind. Respectfully obviously. @Fried Rice you think this is a skill issue? you think ping doesn't play a role in this? I'm sick of degen regards saying "its just Arma being Arma" when you have a 300 ping degen standing still and then you fall over.
  15. i think Bounty Hunting should just be removed as a thing. Its enough with cops vs civ. People bringing downing weapons to cartel wouldnt exist if it get removed and also its annoying being hunted by bounty civs and cops. 1 is enough and that should be cops. Downing someone is so much easier then to kill and people abuse this in cartel fights and while camping proccessers. My suggestion is bounty hunting should be remove completly as a thing. Civ vs cops is more then enough.
  16. While I was on duty doing my service as a Cadet within the APD, we were tasked with a 911 Call. My unit responded to the best of our abilities, what came within this 911 Call scared me for life and left me emotionally damaged. As I went off duty to return home to my wife and family, I could not even speak to her. I cleaned the blood splattered all over my Uniform, my head was a mess. I had to contact his next of kin and they had some disturbing words to say about the man's downfall. But we all learned a valuable lesson today that you may only skydive once naked without a parachute. The caller had reported a suicide attempt, and when we arrived at the scene, we found the individual lying on the ground, critically injured. As we rushed to provide medical assistance, I couldn't help but notice the eerie atmosphere that surrounded us. The silence was deafening, and the air was thick with an unsettling energy. It was as if time had stood still, and all that mattered was the fate of the person before us. As we worked to stabilize the individual, I couldn't help but think about the events that had led up to this moment. What had driven this person to attempt to take their own life? What demons had they been battling, and why had they felt that death was the only escape? The questions swirled in my mind like a vortex, threatening to consume me. After what felt like an eternity, we finally managed to stabilize the individual, and they were rushed to the hospital. As I watched the ambulance speed away, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, but it was short-lived. The reality of what I had just witnessed began to sink in, and I felt my emotions begin to unravel. The drive home was a blur, my mind replaying the events of the call over and over again. When I arrived home, my wife greeted me with a concerned expression, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. I simply nodded, my eyes welling up with tears as I made my way to the bathroom to clean the blood from my uniform. As I scrubbed the crimson stains from my clothes, I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that had settled in. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of emotions, and I didn't know how to keep my head above water. The next of kin's words still echo in my mind: "He was a good man, but he had lost his way. He was consumed by his own demons, and in the end, they destroyed him." It was a harsh reminder that even the strongest among us can fall victim to the darkness that lurks within. As I reflect on that fateful day, I am reminded of the importance of empathy and compassion. We never know what battles others may be fighting, and a little kindness can go a long way. But I am also reminded of the importance of self-care and seeking help when we need it. The lesson I learned that day is one that I will carry with me for the rest of my life: even in the darkest of times, there is always hope, and it's never too late to seek help. The memory of that 911 Call will haunt me forever, but it has also taught me a valuable lesson about the fragility of life and the importance of human connection. And as for the phrase "you may only skydive once naked without a parachute," it's a harsh reminder that we only get one chance at life, and we must make the most of it. 0:20
  17. 我正在看这个视频,也许你只被枪杀过一次,他有防弹衣和背心,你确定如果你射杀他,他将不得不躺下吗? 你说得对,我们都是人,平并不能决定中国人的定义,如果你和他在一起很久,中国人是友好的 我想你是新时代的希特勒,不是吗?你太可怕了 我很好奇你对中国人对你做了什么的经历
  18. Keep the Chinese but allow slurs towards them for game balance
  19. Dude, don't put out their last excuse so openly, it will embarrass them
  20. Its always the players that are bad that complain about the Chinese.
  21. 你正在改变概念,你总是喜欢从高处说话,你认为自己是希特勒?不,你只是一个小丑,无论是Ping问题还是人的问题,我们都需要弄清楚这一点,这两个问题不能混为一谈。
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