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  3. You are support. You are suppose to be supportive and my authorized representative. The first line of defense in the community. Support me. If I ask how's that conversation going to go? They're going to tell me to KMS and then I might and you would be sad and miss me if I did.
  4. Idk bro make a suggestion to add more options
  5. 采纳你自己的建议。你是明天在工厂生产我的新 Android 手机的 18 小时轮班的人。 Cao ni ma
  6. If you get a war kill you should get 2k( Change the price if need be) added to your account similar to what we have on domination OR getting more kills inside a cartel would increase the amount of money in the cartel. Similar to how Arms cartels add 2k to the cartel every time you gear up. The idea Im going for is that the more deaths occurring in a cartel should increase the payouts. Meaning if there was a big fight the winning side should get some rewards for the amount of loadouts the bought for coming back. Increase the payouts from Cartel Event. Currently the cartel event gives you about 70k + a Weapons create. Weapon create is good but the payout isn't. Most of the time no one even bothers fighting for it. Improve Oil cartel and give it some love. Increase the rate of adding rubber to the cartel. Might make it better to fight for it if anyone wants to for crafting vehicles or just plain selling the rubber itself. This is not related to cartel payouts but why does Arms Rebel give you a war kill if you kill someone there and not Kavala/Donor rebel. Or ignore everything i said and
  7. Ya there's 4 selectable options. What if someone hypothetically was a non binary libtard Californian furry with tourettes? Asking for a friend.
  8. Its already a thing, go edit your profile
  9. That's a really good idea support member fried rice. What would you rate the priority level as well on assigning interchangeable icons or blank sections where people can assign themselves pronouns so we can all interchangeably share our individuality like Pokémon cards?
  10. They have already said the answer is no and there will be zero passive income. Also this is a NA server speak English bitch Google translate or something for christ sake. At least make the effort. -500 social credit for being lazy and retarded.
  11. 我们不希望人们在家里赚钱 我们希望他们有被抢劫或被警察抓住的风险
  12. 我觉得能够像以前一样在房子里种植温室大麻很有趣,这将允许更多的在线玩家并确保服务器的受欢迎程度,我希望设计团队能够采用它
  13. I’m sure you’ve had much experience at cartels you career medic, Athira sitting spastic. use a bigger gun than 9mm and try to fight 12 China men with 250 ping shotguning and losing connection whilst shooting at you. clueless monkeys like you belong in a zoo, I’ll be your personal zoo keeper. I now consider you my personal fucking ape.
  14. As Fitz said speak English. Nobody is Google translating that shit.
  15. 我为你感到难过,你对历史知之甚少,也许战争和暴力这两个词永远不适合中国和中国人
  16. Patato

    Bounty Hunter

    Tbh that period early in V2 where BH wasn't in yet was my favorite time of the server. That being said im not removing something a large portion of our player-base does and enjoy just because it can be annoying.
  17. Not reading any of this but I know it should be denied 100%
  18. Keep the chinese fr. I love seeing bad cartel fighters mald
  19. snoop

    Bounty Hunter

    @Fitzthink you can throw this in the denied section for us
  20. Yesterday
  21. By all means go ahead I'm ready.
  22. same complaints same arguments everytime this is at least the 100th time this topic has come up, please improve upon your skill issues and stop crying if you cant deal with a chinese gang then you may need to reflect a little upon yourself 🤣
  23. Can we keep the post in English please?
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