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Everything posted by FudgeR

  1. sooo i used to have movie maker and sony, but i had to delete vegas, ok, all good untill movie maker somehow disappeared and i can't find it anywhere in my pc. when i try downloading it again it says i already have it so won't let me. Also, how i used to download vegas was from piratebay but now idk i think the policies there changed so idk what i have to do or how to download any others. if anything, are there any others i could try out that arer good? thanks boys:)
  2. kinda shitty tho, when i pull out a car from my shed ready to go make some scotch i cant get a carryal unless i go in athira to get it when im closer to the distillery:/
  3. why do backpacks disappear if you store them in your hosue crates? please fix
  4. oh, i thought you were talking about the athira thing my bad
  5. i think roleypoley's offer is the best you will get
  6. That would be good but if you think about it it's to and u can't send a message to a whole group irl.. but yea it would solve a lot of problems and shit.
  7. If your gang was s2 feel like it'd be cool but there's like no one that fights on s2... FSa owns everything and one only care about rodo so much
  8. hard work pays out. best montage i've seen in a while
  9. happened to me the first day they updated the red names and stuff like twice but never had problems other than that... maybe also u might have been engaged with one in the car, and everyone's names were red.
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