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Everything posted by GravL

  1. Hey it's my favorite Cadet! These are some good ideas, just the parole officer thing will probably not happen. Nobody would volunteer to sit at a jail/prison all day
  2. Lol some of my friends try to do this, but I'd rather not get points/blacklisted
  3. Damn, shouldn't have got off. Haven't been kidnapped yet, seems like quite the experience.
  4. Ayyyyyyy that cadet at pyrgos rebel was me
  5. GravL

    Jets DLC

    Doesn't affect me then, I always fly with free look
  6. GravL

    Jets DLC

    Damn. That would be awesome having a carrier.
  7. GravL

    Jets DLC

    Not currently home, just wondering if the Jets DLC brought anything new to Asylum? Is the Aircraft Carrier on Asylum?
  8. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Good, in fact.
  9. No. I played a server once with these rules. No. These medic rules are aids. On that server I got in a firefight and the medic ran in between us, he got shot, reported, and me and the other guy got banned. Shit rules for shit servers.
  10. Ya, but I just bought a 150k so I'm down to 170k. If I sold it, I would have 282k. I could give 250k for it
  11. Want to buy a meth house on S1.
  12. Exactly what I do, works 9 times out of 10. Good method. Try this @Mike napoli
  13. +1, was a good way to either sell stuff people are to lazy to collect or buy stuff you are to lazy to collect.
  14. Welcome to Asylum!
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