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Everything posted by GravL

  1. GravL

    Jets DLC

    Damn. That would be awesome having a carrier.
  2. GravL

    Jets DLC

    Not currently home, just wondering if the Jets DLC brought anything new to Asylum? Is the Aircraft Carrier on Asylum?
  3. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Good, in fact.
  4. No. I played a server once with these rules. No. These medic rules are aids. On that server I got in a firefight and the medic ran in between us, he got shot, reported, and me and the other guy got banned. Shit rules for shit servers.
  5. Ya, but I just bought a 150k so I'm down to 170k. If I sold it, I would have 282k. I could give 250k for it
  6. Want to buy a meth house on S1.
  7. Exactly what I do, works 9 times out of 10. Good method. Try this @Mike napoli
  8. +1, was a good way to either sell stuff people are to lazy to collect or buy stuff you are to lazy to collect.
  9. Welcome to Asylum!
  10. GravL

    New lad

    Welcome to Asylum!
  11. I figured it out. Go to settings, devices, mouse, additional mouse options, pointer options, then at the bottom it says "show location of pointer when I press the CTRL key". Toggle that
  12. I honestly don't remember. I activated it a very long time ago
  13. When I press ctrl, it does that to tell me where my mouse is. I double tapped it to lower my gun
  14. I was right outside of the vehicle waiting for restart, ground level
  15. https://gyazo.com/8bbf99423a2bc75f97005cd75ffc645a wtf has this happened to anyone else? Spawned in after restart skydiving without a parachute.
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