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Björn Winsmore

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Björn Winsmore

  1. I regret trusting a fucking idiot im gonna fucking kill myself now.
  2. i have all the time, im a decent pilot its just... fucking when i take off or have landed im rolling towards the guy random the fucking planes blows up or some bullshit i dont get it
  3. Basiclly i crashed the plane cuz im a shit pilot and im raging about my plane randomly blowing up ( i still dk tf it does it).
  4. ye it actually fucking works... process lasso is also good. I use both.
  5. You got over 3,5k posts and dont know?
  6. well i get kicked before i can do anything...
  7. Sure my dude! Thanks! Thank you! Hello
  8. Name: Kevin Hansen Age: 18 Timezone: Gmt +2 Hours (screenshot): http://prntscr.com/dzqwih Current Balance in Bank: Couple grand How can you contribute to Defiance: I can contribute great weapon power, experience and great desync ramming and overall driving skills. Previous Gangs (Not APD): None in asylum. Do you have sufficient knowledge of cartels: Somewhat. Why are you interested in joining Defiance: I'm interested in joining Defiance because im new to asylum life and would love some guidance and players to be with to have a good time and have fun with. Anyone Who Could Vouch For You: Dont know anyone in asylum well so i guess not.
  9. I switch mostly, played s3 recently trying to get some balance rn
  10. Dont think a gang will be good for me...
  11. My name is Kevin, I'm a 18 year old guy from Norway. I like to interact with people and have a good time online playing on arma 3 server like this one, I'm also looking for people to play with. i have played a lot of arma as you can see on my steam (link here:https://steamcommunity.com/id/SomeRandomNorwegianGuy) played a bit asylum but havent been on the forums very long. I hope to see you guys in game soon! Add me if you're interested to help me learn more about asylum gaming
  12. Well, what annyos me is my internet is so shit that when i played stable with 120ping (eu here) and then an hour later when playing i lost connection all the time due to my high ping which lasted like 1 minute or two for 10 mins...
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