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Everything posted by Skete

  1. +1 Causes problems for people who want to playout real events. Waste of time for both cops and and rebels.
  2. This is actually a great idea, it adds some spice to the server for both cops and civilians. I don't see how expanding opportunities for both cops and civilians is a bad idea in any way. Sure the specifics in design of the event can be fine tuned by developers, staff, and APD higher ups to ensure balance and purpose. From a rebel perspective, we have control of what happens. We start the events, choose which event, prepare for the event, and so on. Imagine flying around and next thing you know there is a APD convoy shipping valuables to the evidence lockup in which you can attempt to hijack. That alone adds a new approach/perspective to events. Then on the cop side, other than waiting for a fed or driving around in a city this also opens a new door of opportunity moving forward. It allows for the APD to expand and introduce new responsibilites / trainings. For example the expanded utilization of swat, convoy trainings, briefings, etc. all in which tie into the event sponsored by the APD rather than the rebels. Obviously would need fine tuning before implementation but overall great idea definatelly +1. Cool to think about what else could be implemented that really brings some life & excitement to the server for all parties involved. Not to be specific to the event described in this thread of it being a convoy but generally relating to the idea of cop sided events.
  3. @RoguePilot Skimancole was a great admin, and in my opinion should still be. To be clear, before reading anything else I will put out there that I do have a friendship with skimancole but I will be completely honest in this post, no bias will be present. Skimancole was one of the most active administrators who particpated amongst the average player base. I have a personal perspective on admins especially the ones that role around in a group and spam events, troll in city squares, and always have suicide vests/rpgs ready to go without due care because they are not effected by economy. Admins being able to fight with the average player base that is effected by economy with the use of their uncontained armory is a issue in its-self the way I see it. The game / playstyle is conducted in a way where there is a sense of loss when fight, repurcussions, and so on. I've seen admins constantly abuse their in-game admin, to much greater extents. Simply not understanding how and what they do effects normal players and not so much themselves. If this is the direction the server is taking then it would expected of our higher level staff to employ no-tolerance on all staff members or much higher degree of scrutiny. I can say for fact and others may vouch that all admins or majority have done things in their past that would justify removal or consequences. Which leads me to believe that Skimancole was targetted, hence additionally this was an out of the blue removal. Skimancole was not an isolated problem. In terms of productivity, and true respect/care for the community he had it. He was never stuck up, never thought of himself as to good for the average player, never acted as if he was untouchable. As I have played with Skimancole now this is true and continues to happen with members of the playerbase. In my opinion he was the most approachable admin due to his consistent interaction with the community wether it be in game or simply chatting in the teamspeak. To dive into his admin usage from my experience I will start with gang fights. In gang fights, we never recieved information that would not or should not be known. Gangmates were never teleported, even in the smallest degree to produce an advantage. He was cautious on the amount of vehicles/armory he contributed to fights knowing that there is a unfavorable advantange if he was to be supplying the economy to us while the other gang we were fighting had to sacrifice their own vehicles/loadouts. To be more specific, a very simple but proving scenerio was one that took place at a cartel event. We were fighting a gang and wiped them from the cartel capture event. The event was over at this point and we were ready to leave. One of our gangmates was dead but ragdolled inside a down wall so nobody could get the revive option on him. We told Ski and instead of simply reviving him he played it by the book, told one of us to stand over his body for 45 seconds, then after that revived him via admin. This is such a simple situation but was treated with due care. I can continue to rant but I've already wrote part of an essay so I will leave it here. Anybody who has played with Ski understands his level of respect/care for the community. Knows he does not wave his admin privileges in the face of others and uses that privilege with respect to the player base/server. Finally, was one of the only ones to take action and step forward in the banning, unbanning, and moderation of "big" bans or "big" names on the server. He cared, and in a situation where your trying to promote a growth in player base, removing a vital member from the equation is not the best step forward. Anyway, thanks for reading. @skimancole
  4. In-game name: Reaper Timezone: CST Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot required): http://prntscr.com/sr7fnp Previous Gangs: ANA, Turtle Hunters, Northbridge, couple others I don't remember Anyone in the gang can vouch for you: operatorjohnny
  5. Nerf the ability to hide in a house and be untouchable for as long as you want unless a kind donor decides to suicide vest the house
  6. Your right, S3 was the shit
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