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Everything posted by N I B R O C

  1. I think i had an epileptic fucking stroke watching this, wtf. Get better clips shitty
  2. hi chase, im ur biggest fan and was like wondering, if like i can like join ur fan club! k thanks!
  3. In-Game Name:Nibroc ;( - Timezone: Mountain - Age:16 - Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot):https://gyazo.com/0c38b623333f9d3c32c9d9c32f200d4a - Previous Gangs: Clarity, Vanity, Void - Why do you want to join Wicked?: Crunched is in it, and he is my dad. I've been looking for a gagn after vanity disbanded and Wicked seems like the best fit for me - Any members who can vouch for you: Crunchedd, and Moonshine
  4. In-Game Name: Nibroc Age: 16 Timezone (NA/EU): Mountain Arma 3 Hours (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/7886a7b993e492d51207de6357e8e946 Bank Balance (screenshot): 150k Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak:yes Current and Past Gangs: Deviant, Supreme team, Clarity What do you have to offer? Anti-star rock pusher Do you have anyone that can vouch for you? Crunched (Applications can be messaged to Leader(s).)
  5. i was, but i woke up. AND now i cant fall asleep sooooooooooooooooooooooo
  6. wait prom, arent you permd???
  7. +1 this kid is defo pull down scfipting kappa
  8. Man, you guys are better singers than arma players. Stop playing arma and try your luck on The Voice?
  9. how am i supposed to tap you if you dont play
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