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Everything posted by GraduateArc8298

  1. 2017 resolution, less resolutions
  2. GraduateArc8298


    Lemme pull up the right meme
  3. If you take video proof there should be no gripes, in the end, hard evidence is the best route. Also, do you have any idea how much of a headache it is to dig up such specific logs? If everyone asked to pull them up the admins would certainly do a backflip off a highrise building, while cursing the firstborn child of all Asylum players. EDIT: all of them, hand in hand. It would be like one of those freeze-frame moments from a cheesy sitcom, except more death....and cat memes for commemoration.
  4. The key menu is in the phone under key ring, select the vehicle and then select the person.
  5. Throw him into the trunk, I find it a lot easier to throw your trash into the trunk and just carry the good stuff
  6. I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body
  7. Maybe if ya didn't bring HMMT box trucks you wouldn't have lost as much
  8. It's probably BattleEye wigging out from clients and hosts having different files or some weird shiznit it usually does.
  9. Every one of the servers is having a problem with this, this apparently happens more often than I would think. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192562-massive-kick-steam-ticket-check-failed-signature-check-timed-out/
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