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Everything posted by Snow-

  1. Have you ever even played cop with me lol? 99% of the time when I get kidnapped I just say in TS "Oh I got kidnapped by xxx" and mute Teamspeak because I like to actually roleplay with kidnappers. Also blindfolds most certainly are not a must, because like I just said (and you conveniently ignored) I never blindfold anybody that I kidnap unless I want to actually piss them off. I give gear all the time. I respawn with it and it costs me nothing, I don't attach any value to it. Stop being a salty loser because the cops you harass won't reward you for pissing them off.
  2. Blindfolding me triggers me. Not gonna give gear to people that are pissing me off. I never blindfold any of the cops I kidnap and still manage to get gear, so it's really not necessary. Staring at a black screen for 10+ minutes isn't my idea of a good time. I would at least like to look around and feel like I am playing a game, rather than sitting in a chat room.
  3. That's reasonable and understandable. All I am saying is if I personally get blindfolded then the possibility of gear goes to 0%, so keep that in mind if you decide you want to kidnap me in the future.
  4. I never get salty from being downed. If you aren't an asshole and play to have fun I have no problems dropping my gear. What really ticks me off is when I am forced to stare at a black screen for 10 minutes before being told to drop my gear or die. No thanks.
  5. Have you ever considered the possibility that you suck at roleplay and are annoying the officers you're kidnapping?
  6. You're an asshole on the forum, I can't imagine you act any differently in game. Very rarely do kidnapped cops not give me gear, simply because I actually roleplay with them and try to make it fun. And as a personal opinion as a Constable I have to say if anybody ever blindfolds me they are 100% not getting any of my gear.
  7. Does this apply to cops as well?
  8. lol Marcel is literally the most toxic civ I've ever seen..kidnaps cops & civilians in Kavala ALL day and uses some stupid loophole @Mitch (IFRIT) that allows you to restart the 10 minute timer by continually downing people. Holds cops for hours in his house and then comes on the forums and bitches about ticket prices. LMFAO.
  9. I was talking about Stratis, back in the day
  10. Looks like your houses are worthless now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. More ad hominems. You don't know anything about me, so keep making pointless and stupid posts! Your arguments are baseless and you just realized that. Have a nice day!
  12. You're dissolving your own argument with your own posts. The server owners say it is "recommended" you roleplay. They call it a light RP server. Are you really that retarded you can't even understand that? Do you even know what roleplay is? Every engagement you make in the server requires you to roleplay. How do you play without roleplaying? You can't. Have you ever played on the server at all?
  13. The server doesn't play out as a roleplay server because of poor administration, with the added requirement of always having shadowplay running if you actually want retribution for the vast amounts of rule breaking you'll witness as soon as you join. That doesn't mean it's not a roleplay server. It clearly says in the wiki that it is a light RP server. Once again, are you going to make real substantive arguments or just keep making stupid posts?
  14. Do you have any real argument to your statement "This is not a role play server" or are you just going to continue to make stupid posts?
  15. I've been playing on Asylum since late 2014, which is irrelevant. I don't see how my time playing has anything to do with my opinion of a game mechanic? Man up about what? It's a damn game. How about some constructive feedback to my post, instead of throwing ad hominems in my face.
  16. Damn, y'all are hostile AF for no reason. Grow up, lmfao.
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