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Posts posted by wollie35

  1. Is it worth to change ur hud (color if there are other hud options feel free to tell aswell), what's the pros and cons?










    And what hud do you guys recommend

  2. Nice shit katheeri, i am thinking about a katheeri cadet montage but then i realized shit, gotta wait 5 years for that :P 

    Serious note good shit katheeri, and  can someone explain what the benefit of that green scope over the rco is ? and what the name is i thought it was erco but i dont remember.

  3. Age: 17

    In-Game-Name: Wollie35

    Hours: 62

    Previous Gangs: None

    What can you bring to our gang?

    I have alot of first person shooter experience because of csgo and i can bring quite some laughter.

    also i am an active player since the 62 hours have been gathered within 4 days with work in between

    Are you affiliated with any members of our gang?


    Extra Information you would like to include (optional).

    i mostly wanna have fun and play the game, and CORE tempt to ruin it, i met some pistol bangers guys and they seem cool

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