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Yuki Hayami

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  1. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by J9HUNNA in Farewell Everybody   
    Im going to miss playing for 12hours straight everyday , having the server crash on me 3-4 times out of the day and hearing us all group together for comp everytime when the hackers will come kill us all and blow up our vehicles D; All the times we would be shit talking each other in side chat im gonna miss it all, i had a amazing time spending countless hours on this server playing with you all <3 but unfortunately i have to go to work now so ill be only able to play maybe a few hours a week which breaks my heart   </3 all the times people told me to get a life you finally got what you want i hope your happy :/ 
  2. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Crossfade in Pressing plates in prison   
    Currently when you press plates you remove a very very small amount off you're bounty, If you're bounty is 100k+ then its good luck getting the bounty to a price most are willing to pay.
    I suggest we change it from removing bounty to removing time. 
    Every full process (8 metal or 64 inventory space) could remove 1 minute - 2 minutes from you're timer.
    This could depend on community goals.
    Possible changes- 1 minute in Tier 4 22 minute max jail , And 2-3 minutes when no community goals 45 minute max jail.
    @BaDaBiNg_10-8 @Clint Beastwood whats you're thoughts? 
  3. JonSnow liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in Hello m'ladies   
    Welcome back my King
  4. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by LiftyMcLift in Medics w/ Current state of server   
    Medics will always be a fun topic.
    Unless there is a decent incentive to play medic, I don't see how the mythical "Whitelisting" will solve anything.
    Currently you either
    1: Hang around Kavala to get revives
    2: Spawn in Atheria and drive/fly around for 2 hours and get 1 revive seems 90% of people just respawn when your halfway there.
    Surely we could setup medics like the "Drug Runner":
    You request your revive for $800. If you respawn after requesting a medic, have $2000 taken as a cancellation fee.
    At least that way there's an incentive to only call a medic, when you're actually after a revive. 
  5. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by utilize420 in Crafting tactical gear.   
    There should be a way to craft body armor, CSAT clothing and other items of tactical gear. The way I thought it could work, is to make it craftable at black market, through a second sign so as not to over load the current crafting menu. It should require various materials like weapons do, for example: 
    1 tactical vest of any color should require 10 iron ingots and 10 opium.
    1 CSAT fatigues should require 20 iron ingots and 20 coke.
    1 suicide vest should require 20 cut diamonds and 10  processed oil and $25,000.
    There should as be an option to sell to the black market, for the more expensive items. In addition but not necessarily, the price of these items at rebel could very due to supply and damand.
  6. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by netflixnchil in Medics w/ Current state of server   
    Hey there,
    So im am pretty fresh to this server and decided to test the waters and from the current state of what i can tell, Playing as medic is just plain bad for experience.

    I have spoken to a few staff members and i know there is Alot of things planned for medic in the near future so i wanted to give my Imput about this as when i played arma 3, i only played medic and im still looking to do the same thing. i would like to make asylum my new home but I cannot do that until we get some much needed improvements to the role for medic.

    *Medics being able to be 'bought' as a personal medic
    *Seen some try to encourage others to vdm other players
    *No laws to combat RP for medics
    *Medics do not RP
    *whitelisting for Medics
    *when responding to a down'd player and reviving them, being able to just shoot the downed player without reinitiating isnt RP. (if u do this irl, ur not  gonna sit around waiting for them to come back irl, u would be gone by the time medics\cops showed up)
    *spamming of needing medic and then just respawning when medic gets there
    ETC - not everything is listed but these are some things i see
    (I know some stuff is being worked on but im listing some stuff to jump start the issues im seeing)

    *Medics should be a nuetral faction, They should not be able to take anyone hostage, carry any firearms, take part in any illegal activity, There sole job is to Help and respond to life emergency's, People who may be stranded or need help with anything of that sort.
    With that in mind, You Should not be able to Shoot a medic unless they are 100% interfiering with your current roleplay, You should also only be able to take them hostage if they are ok with it. On servers with high population, the amount of civs and cops vasly outnumber medics and the amount of revive request can be hard to do with the current number of players doing medic. 
    *needs to be a Chain of release (someone dies > medic arrives, victim is to be in medics custody until released (or) into police custody if they broke the law

    I completely understand that this isn't a hardcore RP server but things like this isn't really hardcore, but would make medic more reliable and more Fun for players to take on the challange of being a paramedic.

    P.S  i have alot more i would like to go indepth about things for medic, but that is for another time, But these are more important things that should be fixed\implemented asap
    @Clint Beastwood
    @Mitch (IFRIT)
  7. RobbyDoggy liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in *Breaking News* Asylum Record   
    We had you in cuffs one time. Then hackers blew up everyone.
  8. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Fried Rice in 2 played same ip   
    If one of you gets banned, both of you will get banned.
  9. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Donk in Close s2 and s3 during non peak times   
    As much as id love to see the servers at high pop again, the issue with this is what about the players that work odd hours and dont normally get to play during peak hours? or what about all the players that arent in the US? Are we supposed to limit all of their access to the servers just so we can have more one and done fights at OG?
  10. MetelChest liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in Nino For Mod   
    Nino for Mod. He is good boi
  11. Rosie liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in Nino For Mod   
    Nino for Mod. He is good boi
  12. Pilot Josh liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in Nino For Mod   
    Nino for Mod. He is good boi
  13. Sheriff Rick liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in Nino For Mod   
    Nino for Mod. He is good boi
  14. maxsa liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in Nino For Mod   
    Nino for Mod. He is good boi
  15. Nino Brown liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in Nino For Mod   
    Nino for Mod. He is good boi
  16. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by maxsa in Nino For Mod   
    I constantly harass staff members in the ts for all random questions of different situations I encounter on the servers. In other words, I am truly a pain in the ass as a player to deal with. I use and overuse all the support tools put at the players' disposition. But there has been one support member that seems to always be in ts and put up with my bs and others' bs and take time to answer questions and offer support when he really does not have to. A real man of the community!
    As you might have guessed my suggestion: Nino Brown for Mod (or admin)!
  17. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by BaDaBiNg_10-8 in Where we've come from, Where we are headed.   
    Little update. @Clint Beastwood and I would like to thank the community for your continued support and belief in this thing we call "Asylum." 
  18. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Leady in Where we've come from, Where we are headed.   
    Just over 3 months ago ownership of Asylum was transferred to @BaDaBiNg_10-8 and @Clint Beastwood. A lot has been accomplished in that short time span with much more planned. This topic is to acknowledge those accomplishments and share a roadmap for the future of Asylum.
     Within the first 30 Days
    Servers returned to full or nearly full during peak times Opened up past bans for a second chance Brought on a new lead developer 3 contributors were also brought in Removed the unpopular money and group caps Within the last 3 months
    Migrated servers to a new host Updated the website front and back end (it needed it badly) Continued to roll out a patch every month that not only fixes past issues but takes community feedback and makes it a reality Increased server stability (While we aren't where we would like to be yet, it has come a long way from December) Upgraded player reporting systems to a streamlined ticket system (Shout out to Mitch for this one) Introduced new weapons to the player base This is just a snap shot from the last 90 days. Even more has been done on the back end to improve server stability and functionality.
    Now that we've looked at what has been done, a preview is in order for the future of asylum.
    A complete re-write of asylum's code from the ground up Replacement of current MyAsylum page and features A re-work of the housing/crate system Re-work of vehicle, police, and ems lighting White-listed medics Various cartel changes  Additional armor and weapons New vehicle and clothing skins Re-work of talent trees Many more items on the list, these are just some of the features we are most excited for. As with anything in development all points are subject to not only change but may never see the light of day. In an effort to be transparent we felt it was time give a glimpse behind the scenes of what the Dev's are working on in addition to the regular content/bug fix patches. @Mitch (IFRIT) and myself look over the suggestion section of the forums almost daily and take that feedback and pass it a long to the owners and dev's for what the community wants and in some cases doesn't want. And while not everything suggested will be implemented we value that feedback and want to give a big thank you to those who offer it.
    As a final note I wanted to take a line or two and say Thank You to the community as a whole. With out you Asylum wouldn't exist. From the admins  who dedicate their free time looking over player reports and compensation requests, to the support staff who sit in Teamspeak everyday waiting to help players, to the gangs whom without the APD wouldn't have much to do, to the APD for keeping the streets safe for the apple pickers and diamond miners, to the Kavalians teaching new players how to put their hands up when being robbed, Thank You. The people are what makes Asylum what it is. 
  19. DJB liked a post in a topic by Yuki Hayami in Change Log 8.3.1 - Part 2   
    TBH DS needs all the favors it can get!
  20. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Revenant in New Zealand shooting   
    RIP to all the folks who got killed/injured by this pathetic ugly motherfucker and anyone associated with him.
    Drop an F bois. 
  21. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Revenant in New Zealand shooting   
    honestly if I looked like this.. I’d save time and money and just livestream my suicide.
  22. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Alec-I in New Zealand shooting   
    Doubt it considering most prisons have a lot of white supremacists
  23. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Flax in Colored Forum Names   
    Can donors get colored forum names? Cosmetics make people pay money so why not? More people would donate.
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