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Everything posted by twistt

  1. Lol after the 5th kill it was all fine xD
  2. All I said is don't judge the APD based on admins, if he had walked up to a constable-sergeant they would've just said casually you know theres a fed going on leave us alone or if they did restrain them at least not forget about them. Leady wasn't on swat so it's not that bad to take 3 minutes out of the fed to talk to someone with a 47k bounty
  3. Don't consider admins APD, 70% of the time they're just cucking everyone and not caring about RP
  4. Only 1 on solo lol I always play squads I think I have 5 or 6 in squads?
  5. no I don't cap I just sit in the second floor of houses come on you should know this by now
  6. Read the videos description lol ill put it in post description too
  7. xD The narration is cause my friend was rushing me to play duos so I was keeping him up to date as to how far I was lol.
  8. https://units.arma3.com/
  9. It just looks like RDM because we can hear his friends saying "hands up or die" as if they weren't already initiated so yeah it looks like he just exposed himself but it doesn't matter to anyone except for anyone who was actually there so +1 Edit 1: however -1 to the overall tage, don't like the 3D outro template, all turf clips, cop kills, vs sdar/pistol kills, etc. Just really no MK-1 vs MK-1 battles im not saying Katiba clips are bad but even then most of the time the person you killed had an MX, SDAR or something that even the katiba gives you a high advantage, IMO montages should be an example of how good you are so when you're sitting in a room waiting for people to push you, killing cops that are stuck under cars, or camping coke field it just doesnt give off a good image, but like I said thats MY own opinion. Anyways good luck on your future endeavors
  10. +1 all it takes is to look at the map and check for blufor xD
  11. 120k take it or leave it
  12. GL. also If you're going to have a bank requirement you might as well make it a decent requirement... 30k is literally 1 loadout maybe less lol
  13. and after a couple comments and suicide contemplation I realized that combat stance is a necessity
  14. Server is ALREADY dead for rebels thats what you dont get lmfao
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