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Everything posted by powerwolf

  1. It literallly took me 3 minutes to find out what the picture was talking about.l i need to go to sleeeep but congrats
  2. This topic went from actual feedback to a pissing match. Lovely.
  3. I wasn't around for the kavala pistol prison but I kinda like it to where no side has a clear advantage and very good point
  4. I've noticed a heavy decrease in prison breaks since they moved the prison off the island and onto mainland having only really seen two serious prison breaks (not just two friends with katibas trying to bust their buddy out) and I personally don't know how I feel about them. Most cops I've asked about it don't seem too thrilled about going to them and I can only assume the civ/rebel's don't like them because it honestly seems as if it's like a 50/50 battle right off the bat unlike tower defense simulator aka the bank. Anyways opinions on the bank?
  5. Your music choice makes me cry
  6. The hilarious part is about this is your gif and the topic xD
  7. Their evacing over 1 million people in south carolina for this shit. Thats a lot of people lol
  8. Im kinda bittersweet about the changes just have to wait and see how they are in game
  9. Sadly this most likely wont happen due to the rules of the server
  10. i get a slight skrillix vibe for a few bits of the song. But yes enjoyable song nevertheless something i can listen when im biking to work or something thanks :3
  11. Pfft. No its because you scream obscenities lets be honest here i would know
  12. Almost undoubtedly. Instead of making a forum post id try to get in contact with a admin directly via teamspeak or the forums.
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