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APD Officer
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Posts posted by IndianapolisJones

  1. 51 minutes ago, TalibanTerrance said:

    In Game Name:TalibanTerrance


    Are you a member of the APD (rank):Constable

    Have you been banned on Asylum?: no 

    Any previous Gangs:a few smaller gangs, kinda new to arma3(430 hrs) but a lot of experience on arma 2, dayz

    How many hours in Arma 3 (Screenshot on steam):exception made by Indianapolis 


  2. 3 hours ago, MikeHock said:

    In Game Name:Heisenberg


    Are you a member of the APD:Yes

    Have you banned?:Yes

    Any previous Gangs: Plague

    How many hours in Arma 3 (Screenshot on steam): a0e596e7267e8f9f3065b70f7536699a.png
    I have enough money in the bank to financially support myself. 

    Do you have a Mic/Teamspeak? Yes

    Whats's your interest in joining Drunk Squad ? You guys seem like your always having a blast while playing :D

    ACCEPTED. Willl Pm ts. 

  3. 11 hours ago, AppleBottoms said:

    In Game Name: John AppleBottoms

    Age: 20

    Are you a member of the APD: No

    Have you banned?: Once and it was lifted literally 20 seconds later.

    Any previous Gangs: Altis Panda Dept (I quit because of lack of activity and annoying players)

    How many hours in Arma 3 (Screenshot on steam): http://prntscr.com/b6mexx       http://prntscr.com/b6mf0k

    Banked Money- Around 180k. I make about 300k a day gun running but because I like to rob and mess with people that gets tied up in gear and fines. I can support myself financially.

    Do you have a Mic/Teamspeak? Yes

    What's your interest in joining Drunk Squad? I am looking for a strong group with active members to play with and have fun with. The drunk part is just a perk ;)


    Discussing among the leaders. TBA.

  4. 16 hours ago, Sauwercraud said:

    I don't mind playing both roles, I mean that keeps the game fun, but I'm not sure if that should be on the same server imho.

    I've seen the powers massively shifted to one gang, where 4 of them are cops and 6 of them are Civs. After a restart the roles are reversed. 

    Personally I kinda find that unfair especially towards small crews, which can not gather money by playing the cop side.

    Why not change over to a different server? For example be a cop on server 1, a rebel on server 2. It's kinda weird to have a gunfight with somebody, who is a rebel, and after the restart he is arresting you for speeding.

    Just my feelings, don't wanna hurt anybodies feelings :)

    A lot of people have picked a server and made that one home, so they enjoy playing with the people on that server; be that interacting through cop or civ. I love the server 4 crowd, I've been there like a year and a half to two years, given the chance I will almost always pick civ and rebel time to be spent there. Like others have said, once you start implementing more and more restrictive rules on people's game play, you scare them off. At the end of the day this is a video game, we are all here to have fun, asylum isnt about dictating everyone's style of play, it let's everyone, within reason, make altis into whatever makes them happy.

  5. Playing as a cop, and playing as a rebel are two completely different experiences in Altis, and are separate roles, their is no reason people shouldn't be able to do both. These servers are not rp based, rp is minimal unless you come across cool people that actually play for that purpose. Not to be insensitive or rude, but if you are looking for an intense rp experience, you are looking at the wrong community.

    Rag, Olivia, Agent X and 4 others like this
  6. Yes it's legit, 2/4 of the founders are meeting up. WE WISH YOU WERE HERE SUBARU AND TRAVIS. Yes all Chinese is the same. Gatorade is to help the massive hangover that will accumulate over the next 48 hours of partying. We hate you Donk, don't join in. Infamy next time ride along with devin. I can't @ people on my phone...so that's to Dom, Cassettes, DasOtter, Donk, and Infamy. Dev's phones dead but he says love you Donk and Infamy....

    Drunk Devin likes this
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