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APD Officer
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Posts posted by Terboman

  1.      To bad I didn't catch this place in it's peak, I feel like I missed the party to some degree.

         Asylum reminds me of another community I spent many of my teen years in. It was not quite as graphically satisfying as ArmA being that it was a text based game. However, it was all about the players. In it's peak you had tons of vibrant and very different personalities all coexisting in a digital world. Two opposing factions constantly at war and real life people taking online personas to fight for fun. I logged in everyday for multiple hours at times. Most of the time I did the exact same activities day in and day out with little variation in results. This went on for years, about 8 to be a little more exact. It wasn't until the community began to shatter that I realised it wasn't the gameplay that kept me around, it was the people. I stuck it out for a long time there, well into my 20's. I watched the player base shrink until it was a shell of it's former glory. All that was left when I finally quit was 30 or so old, jaded players. All we did was bitch about how it used to be and log-in to ruin the fun of anyhow who could still derive some enjoyment from the broken world.


        This place was never about the wonky mechanics, scripted activities, or laggy combat. It was just a sandbox for the players to make it as good or bad as they wanted it to be. Unfortunately I think there are more jaded old assholes here than new starry eyed players. Not to say I didn't have any fun, because I did. I think this particular game mode offers something that can't really be gotten anywhere else. It's just a shame I didn't catch the bus earlier.


    Happy Holidays and best wishes,



    Steve, BlackShot, Flameless and 7 others like this
  2. Just now, Tyler said:

    https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124802 un-true is un-true. Many other servers have the same issue. Bohemia has already accepted the fact that it is their fault i do believe too.

    https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00204 2nd paragraph.

    I can say right now pretty confidently the only ones who can fix mass kicks as far as we know is Bohemia. To be honest for a while there i think it was Asylums fault, but now they just simply happen. They aren't centered around patches or hot fixes. So it can't really be Asylums fault anymore. When so many other servers have the same issues and the common number here seems to be 90-100 players i guess the netcode can't keep up.

        BE kicks aren't what's plaquing S1 right now, it's server utilization. Maybe it's due to the scripter influx since ARMA 3 has been on sale and people don't care about bans. Several times a day the server is reaching max utilization and people are being kicked until it recovers.

       Perhaps the BE kicks on S4 that people experienced were related to BE problems. But currently and most recently the issues haven't been BE side. There are many life communities that have much larger player caps per server that do not experience what S1 experiences as of lately.


  3. I was talking to someone the other night about this. I thought it would be an interesting idea if we could somehow have a dog or cock fighting ring where civs could go and bet. It could be an illegal area and such. You could even develop it into breeding/training your own fighters. I have no clue if it's within capabilities or what. I just thought it would be fun.

  4. On 6/23/2017 at 2:20 PM, Xander Zelman said:

    Its weird how if an APD officer dies, he remembers everything.

    In some instances you are right they shouldn't have exact knowledge of your crime from a rp perspective. Like if it was one cop vs you the wilderness, you kill him, he comes right back and starts talking specifics that is not too great in my opinion.


    However, if you were to murder  a police officer in a populated city like kavala do you really think the crime wouldn't be captured on camera, or seen by some citizen and reported to the police? So knowledge of the crime after death can be acceptable from a rp perspective.


    I think what people fail to realize is rp is a two way street. As an officer we aren't here to listen to your rp and accept it as the gospel. We can choose to rp as well to make a case or to dispute your rp with more valid rp of our own. People get the most angry with me when I counter their rp with more for some reason. The assumption is if you rp in some light or fashion we are just required to accept it at face value and we aren't allowed to challenge it.

  5. Was playing civ a bit yesterday and decided to give the air delivery missions a try. Bought a mohawk, got the proper talents, and we were off and away. My first mission was from DP22 to DP1.

    Delivered it without a hitch only to be displeased with my reward.

    6 thousand dollars is a bit underwhelming considered the investment. Cost me 100k for the heli, plus you need to spec into the talents for it. I would need to run about 16 missions just to make back my initial investment.


    I understand it's legal so the thought process is you have less to risk therefore the reward is lower. However, I would say flying a 100k heli around landing in cities is more risky than doing any of the drug related ways of making money though. Kinda hard to stealth-fully deliver a big red box in a giant mohawk without attractive negative attention.

  6. The only issue with this RP form (I have ran into it before, a guy told me he was repairing the alarm system) is when I search you the money is stolen. I tried RPing with the civ that maybe the gas station attendant had paid him from the register incorrectly, or maybe when the guy wasn't looking he took a couple bills because he was broke. The money on you gets taken into police custody upon search though, so even if you talk down the ticket there is no reward other than the joy of RPing your charge into a pardon.


    I call it an issue because even if you find some way to convince me that the money was given to you for a job or something of that nature I can't give it back. I'd have to pay you, and realistically I'm just not going to do that for what I know was a robbery :P

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