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Vanilla Coke

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Everything posted by Vanilla Coke

  1. Stop bumping this, every time I see it I cry because I'm not as good as him.
  2. .50's, Ifrit's, and hopefully heli's will always be choppable, even if not on that chop list if that's what your saying.
  3. Atmosphere...... This is all for you.
  4. ARCO as of now, even though the RCO/MRCO I prefer and I think are highly superior for close quarters, the top scope on the ARCO (IMO) sucks dick, but the top scope on the RCO is amazing, and the zoomed out perspective on the MRCO (especially with an MK1) makes the gun feel like it has no recoil, at least for me. And yes, I played back when only the MRCO and ARCO were accessible to rebels and the MRCO fits the profile of the MK18 better, so I used it, the ARCO just feels derpy on that gun. So... ARCO for Mid-Long range, RCO for CQC, MRCO for shooting people out of cars/helis.
  5. LOL yeah, I'd rather sit 2.5km's out with my Armor-piercing Lynx Nightstalker and not even wait for you to peek that window, just shoot you through the wall, because I'm that good. I legit tried it one day and it was the easiest thing I've ever done, the bullet travels so fast you just aim, zero, and click and it kills them, it's like COD.
  6. Did someone tell Notorious about this yet? Minecraft montage inc.
  7. Got a 101k bounty paroled by a cadet, the parole bugged and didn't pardon me when it was over, so they put me in jail.
  8. rip... put your sig back when you get a new cpu plz, thx.
  9. well you failed. HAHAHAHAHAH r3kt by a phone.
  10. Just viewed mine, thanks babe. /locked?
  11. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/705151691795906519/B55BD4106CBE82360337B428E452BC96E5FEED93/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|1024:576&composite-to=*,*|1024:576&background-color=black Back when I was a noob pilot... don't know how I managed that.
  12. Oh god please make the spawn points god mode, it's aids.
  13. Didn't realize that was you at all. The peek in the deerstand was tactical desync by the other guy. Also, did you guys know I jumped out of the deerstand after that and jumped over sandbags holstered and ran into the water?
  14. Only server they didn't hit off is 4??? Rebel Dept. confirmed h4x0rz.
  15. This has been a problem for such a long time and I fuckin haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate it.
  16. In Configure>Controls>Multiplayer I think.
  17. Rebind it, happened to me and it turned out the key unbound :/
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