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AFD Paramedic
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  1. utilize420 liked a post in a topic by sealooter in Asylum Gladiators   
    there should be a system when you can 1v1 each other and people can opt in and bet money on each side. it'd be a good replacement to broken laser tag.
  2. Sp0on liked a post in a topic by sealooter in Asylum Gladiators   
    there should be a system when you can 1v1 each other and people can opt in and bet money on each side. it'd be a good replacement to broken laser tag.
  3. cHIP oTLE liked a post in a topic by sealooter in Asylum Gladiators   
    there should be a system when you can 1v1 each other and people can opt in and bet money on each side. it'd be a good replacement to broken laser tag.
  4. McMuffin liked a post in a topic by sealooter in Asylum Gladiators   
    there should be a system when you can 1v1 each other and people can opt in and bet money on each side. it'd be a good replacement to broken laser tag.
  5. J9HUNNA liked a post in a topic by sealooter in WTB S2 Meth house   
    i want to buy any house in this region, 1 2 or 3 crates. if you are the owners and willing to sell, please circle your house, and tell me your offer.
  6. they took the name eazy liked a post in a topic by sealooter in make rahim a bounty hunter gun   
    very true. i just think it'd be fun to down people with lmao.
  7. Virrx liked a post in a topic by sealooter in make rahim a bounty hunter gun   
    its dookie and no one uses it anyways. change my mind
  8. mrkillalot8989 liked a post in a topic by sealooter in make rahim a bounty hunter gun   
    its dookie and no one uses it anyways. change my mind
  9. sealooter liked a post in a topic by Big Fred in make rahim a bounty hunter gun   
    You're already getting sniped from 1 klick out by 7.62's.

    Only difference would be you'll wake up before they even get close to you. 
  10. Google™ liked a post in a topic by sealooter in make rahim a bounty hunter gun   
    they hsould get pawnees instead
  11. Google™ liked a post in a topic by sealooter in make rahim a bounty hunter gun   
    its dookie and no one uses it anyways. change my mind
  12. Nagidal liked a post in a topic by sealooter in Syndicate getting Bent   
    dude downs 2-3 rebels and thinks he’s hot and he’s just camping the tower lol
  13. J9HUNNA liked a post in a topic by sealooter in "Drunk Squad" Server 4   
    In Game Name: sealooter
    Age: 18
    Are you a member of the APD (rank): Constable
    Hours in Arma: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/946211390975645943/46ADFD9E0B71BD4E7CE0C69EB9AA164C40C0C860/

    Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: Yes, combat log around 6 or 7 months ago.
    Any previous Gangs: DS, SR, Wet Suit Brothers.
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