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Everything posted by DaewoN

  1. I need help getting back into altis from zero money. Looking for someone to walk me through this and play with for a couple hours?
  2. added to talk about price
  3. Offers https://gyazo.com/95021ea9a53fcfb852215c2fb2af0171
  4. Koz. 18 Yes, Constable Nope never banned Prodigy Im looking for a gang to have a fun time with. I have been playing with Hoodlum Priest
  5. Koz. 18 536 https://gyazo.com/9137db1b7f3eb1a7504e59ff057cbd8a all on asylum Prodigy seem like chill people 3-4 days a week
  6. Server: S1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size: 3 Crater Location (Town/DP#): DP 21 Asking Price: Bidding ONLY starts at 500k Description: Great for cocaine or meth, also has supplies in it that i can give. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1384672142
  7. Sounds like you want to buy it for 900k if not get the fuck out
  8. Dude you literally offered 1.5mill you cant just go back on a bid have you ever done business before?
  9. so is your offer 900k or 1.5 mill you cant go back on an offer that's not how it works
  10. jacks winning the bid at 751k
  11. well we have to 400k offers why don't you guys bid it off?
  12. BTW it already has meth supplies in it that i can give you
  13. I'll keep you in mind, let me see what offers i get.
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