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Reformed Cougar.

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Everything posted by Reformed Cougar.

  1. Finally your gone. Bye Fudgebot:(. Ik youll keep me updated sending me pics of u juuling everyday!
  2. Boy tf did i just watch you posted this on the olympus forums as well as if it was a good montage
  3. I made you! Very proud of what you have become xoxo:) - Mom
  4. You clearly dont get the point. If they were to crack down on people ddosing and it was easier to get someone banned for it a lot of people wouldn't do it as much and the DDos "hype" would slowly die down.
  5. Nice Montage Man! Only thing you need to do is work on editing!:)
  6. The only way I see asylum making a comeback is fixing there servers and cracking down on DDos. If they fixed the server crashes and all of that they would get a lot more people. They should honestly just sell the server because there is no point in running a server you don't care about. If they really cared about the server they wouldn't run it off this. They don't even take care of their hardware. Another way I think the server could come back a bit more is by cracking down on DDos. Everyone is so quick to DDos now. I mean look what happens during gang wars. People were just dropping connection left and right. I remember back when people barely ever DDos'd on Asylum. They just need to get more strict with DDos and stop banning people off montage clips because of "suspected pulldowns". Banning someone for what I did is perfectly fine because the admins actually had proof and I was spawning money in. Honestly just unban all the players you banned for pulldowns without proof. I know the staff wont listen to anything I said but there's my input!
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