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  1. Venatus liked a post in a topic by salty.connor in Need Of A New Policy   
    So as an officer I like chilling in Kavala and patrolling it, so as you already guessed I get kidnapped a fair amount. In kavala everyone is out to get the cops many groups down you and just leave you in a house...you wait the 10 mins then alt+f4. Now these people are leaving you in a house and keeping somebody in the same room/unrestraining you so you cant alt+f4. So im in a predicament where Im locked in a house with a civ restrained and cannot leave the house; what the actual fuck can I do I cant leave the house and I can't send the guy to jail. I cant exploit and jump through a window etc. I have the "situation" under control its just me running around the house like a fucking retard for 30+ mins. There needs to be something added for me able to leave the house because there are never any fucking Higher Up's on. Its honestly ridiculous how these civs are taken advantage of the rules wasting 30-45 mins of my life locked in a house. 
  2. Venatus liked a post in a topic by Rogue in APD Comms at a Federal Event...   
  3. Venatus liked a post in a topic by DarkKnight in ****APD Policy Update 4/27/2020****   
    Effective Immediately
    Federal Reserve
    Any civilian or vehicle seen inside the federal reserve can be searched.  Demo charges will now fall under possession of explosives.  If the APD gains control over a vehicle involved in the robbery for three minutes the vehicle may be searched and seized. Control is defined as no rebel fighters in the immediate area of the vehicle. At 5 minutes to restart officers may search and seize vehicles involved once control of the vehicle is gained. If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact a Captain.
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