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Everything posted by Poko

  1. If you use movie maker you can just cut it easy , and when u have multiple kills in a clip just split it... I'm terrible with computers and it's pretty easy for me
  2. In my video it looks clear af, but when I uploaded it to youtube it's blurry... but lololol
  3. Really nice shots, couldv cut out the extras
  4. Uh oh, if they make a server in China - incoming Kamakaze bombers with orca's
  6. lololol was that vs us? I had no idea the work you put into that.
  7. You do know that rule is for cops right? There's no such thing as meat shielding when on civ
  8. Yeah when people aren't there we get bored and do stupid shit
  9. Well we won, but it was like 8v5 vs envy Was just funny because we all got out at the same spot in a line
  10. https://gyazo.com/f5c82ddf81af593da674833d03af3f1e and that's why the |-R-| stands for retards people
  11. This is good news. Not too long ago asylum looked like it was dying.
  12. Lol that;s funny coming from a cop, considering the people who get out of prison on time when a PB is going on get shot by cops as well. Almost every single time I get out of the prison when a PB has been going on or one is going to start, I get shot by a cop and I clearly have no weapon or gear. Should that be bannable too? What's really kinda silly is how a cop can throw sirens on and instantly get out and shoot within seconds, because that's initiation. No reaction time.
  13. No lynx... would just ruin the game. That's not skill, and the reason asylum has the best players in arma is because of how hard it is to hit long shots (800 to 1k)
  14. Not a fan of you, but nice shots bud
  15. lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
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