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Everything posted by joshuaquep

  1. https://us.burberry.com/logo-print-cotton-hoodie-p80095091?istCompanyId=564e1513-f47e-4b67-be63-f610234165ed&istFeedId=8cf3583f-d329-465d-b0c6-94f120d80dba&istItemId=wmralmlwx&istBid=tztx&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxMjnBRCtARIsAGwWnBN4CXSCKKtLWDSezIlDuFl8JKCQ_IAnzqUPzXp8LaJ74t3W4U0_CykaAklbEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds @Sceptre
  2. Ill buy one @Lucien if you dont scam kny ill wait for kny to vouch for u.
  3. I recommend finding a good middle man.
  4. The title makes you look like a dumbass.
  5. Just can? I think the rule on it is 250m from flag or something like that and its like right on the edge of whatever distance it is.
  6. LOL i can spawn in mine dumbass? Even when its up for cap.
  7. You cant even use it for capping because you cant spawn there when its up for cap
  8. @Walt add me on steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198928305805/
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