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Gen. Henry Arnold

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  1. The buildings and palm trees being exact copies of the real thing is crazy
  2. We will see if there's a good way to preview all the vehicle skins through an in game menu
  3. This wasn't really a personal setting idea, after the first Domination event on S1, hearing all the vehicles on after people got out or shot out was annoying It's a QOL thing for others to benefit from (and its only for ground vehicles before someone asks) Good critique though, always willing to listen for feedback and things can be changed
  4. Gen. Henry Arnold


    https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/Formal_Suit There's these, and military suits for each faction (NATO etc) https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/Parade_Uniform But again, these are already in the server for Donors
  5. Both vehicles need to be unlocked, no special license or talent required See chart below for what helicopter can sling load what vehicle https://gaming-asylum.fandom.com/wiki/Vehicles#Helicopter_Slingloading_Compatibility
  6. Bump - thoughts on just getting the command center moved to the place of the tower Or replace it with a single deerstand
  7. Are planes being used to transport things on said other servers? We can compare the storage to some of our helicopters Running drugs in an airplane sounds illegal, I would think it should have an associated red zone like the other illegal activities Looking at doing some small changes to drug runners but it’s easy to do with some practice in the editor even with just keyboard and mouse (and you don’t need DLC anymore to do them) - most of your travel time is also spent in the air vs the ground, so less risky overall, most of the airports are well away from a major city to cause trouble As for using your own plane, it would cost you more if you crashed, the money you spend on “renting” the drug runner plane is returned if you succeed and costs less than buying your own plane to do the missions
  8. Did you know there's already a virtual item for medics that drops a flare and a helicopter drops a medical crate with a med shop that any can use? And the owner of the crate gets a commission for anything bought at it by another player This thing can be sling loaded, loaded onto vehicles etc, I don't think the current state of slinging/vehicle loading allows the taru pod to be lifted by anything but the taru/huron though
  9. We already have the scroll wheel option for getting in DLC vehicles so makes sense
  10. Just answering this #1 question: Unfortunately that full screen NVG is a specific item classname in the game, Integrated_NVG_F, it only comes in that one variant.
  11. Well now that there's a little more vehicle mod frame work, this could be a bought mod? 👀
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