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Everything posted by Ryan2150

  1. Update: On market for 400k
  2. When are you going to be on @Water
  3. The payout for leathling someone is already next to nothing
  4. Maybe use the option “Set tag” in the gang menu so the gang gets to chose the tag they want in front of there name. Or something like that.
  5. Current Roster: Founders: Ryan, @HEYSOOS? Members: @lewis the hobo
  6. Kill Squad (S1) Our goals are to find experienced/semi-experienced members and have fun doing cartels/bank/fed/prison/locker. Things you need to join: 1. At least 500 hours in-game [Exceptions can be made] 2. Must Be Financially Stable 3. Must be 16 years or older [Exceptions can be made for maturity] 4. Must have a knowledge of cartels and bank, fed etc Application Template: 1. What's your in-game name? 2. Why do you want to join KS? 3. Have you been in any other previous gangs? (If so which ones) 4. Will anyone vouch for you? 5. How active do you plan on being? 6. Are you in the APD? (If so what rank) 7. Have you had any previous bans on Asylum?
  7. @Jesse will we be getting comp for S3 houses?
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