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The Forgotten Legend

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Everything posted by The Forgotten Legend

  1. oh please, all this money you guys put into it, you made easily as you did getting it. all of ya afkin cop, robo copping, rdming bounties, breakin rules just so make some cash. not role playin and just gettin money. cappin cartels and sittin back while ur funds fill up lmao doin absolutely shit gettin rich. server has to much money and needs to go back to the old days when 100k was a lot. im glad you're all wasting your money because its helping make shit more valauable. buncha bots hopin ur 10mil investment would tripple to 30mil? so u can sell it for irl money? fuck off yall want it so easy. drain asylums economy will force ppl to run more drugs.. thus oiling the machine... oil be players activity increasing cogwheels being the servers mechanics, the machine being the island
  2. i agree. it ruins the economy/less drug runs when all that money is spawned in.
  3. No you see, I just watched a video on my ban. My mic has a button on it that mutes the mic. I didn't know it was pushed and I literally have my gun at the dude for like 40 seconds and I "rdm" him. or his arma3 sound is muted because their was NO Sound. Sadly no other ppl talking to see that was the problem. So I offer comp and he doesn't respond so the fact its like nope I dont want comp just goin to get u banned is really immature. Im a veteran player Im not going to just run the fuck around and RDM ppl. Im almost posative all my rdm / vdm bans I got were all on accident but hey, the admins need to look active right? Admins need to put more trust into the people. I for one will never join TeamSpeak. Its just not my style. I shouldn't need to join TS sit in a room for hours on end when you can just put more effort into your ban system. Literally, you log in and are locked from playing until either you click pay comp button or the other button that says "accept ban ' appeal ' join TS lets talk' the logic behind 2 or 3 days being enough to teach someone a lesson is weak. A. The person most likely knows what he did. B. You ban people for the most petty things. You need to let some pointless rdm's on nakeds go, unless it gets excessive but you can usually tell a mistake/accidental killing.... C. All you have to do is tell me RQ and warn me. I don't think yall realize how much is affects your server when even ppl are gone for a day or 2. D. We cannot post on a mods decision on the forum post to give our input on the video. The way things are for bans on this server are so locked/controlled/and kept in secret. It's a hassle having to then join TS / PM / DM to then not even get a response or some half ass response of fuck u i got the power u dont what i say goes is fucked. If you had an actual council to talk about 1 video im sure you'd do much better unless its just a really bad council that doesn't wanna argue with anyone so you all just agree and are like woohoo this is fun. You should allow us to post on appeal threads and not lock it. that ruins so many things.... Theirs been so many cases of abuse/harassments from the admins/police force sgt/LT+ its laughable how their is hardly any roleplay yet you back other logic up that 'its a roleplay server' and put bear minimum effort into improving it. You're only ever going to have an immature community ran by kids if you don't make a change. Your role play would increase drastically if you were change some things up, thus improving the outlook on peoples view of asylum. You can add a much more independent ban system that will teach people the direction you want asylum to head. Cops are so robo cop its retarded. How can you claim its a role play server when they can't even talk to you as a human and its just beep boop bop beep explain charges full ticket jail. UNLESS you happen to come across a good cop. Another form of initiation can be the tilda key showing a box appear that lets us spacebar an option to tell someone what to do will really help reduce rdm bans. It'll give people a sure shot of getting a message to the other player. You can have your car horn say a message. It makee imitation perfect for high speed chases and stuff like that. Their won't be any confusion on whats going on.
  4. a lot of people don't mean to rdm/vdm and dont get the chance to comp. I think a better method to ban someone is give them a message box when they log in and have the box explain who reported them and show the video/explain what they did and have 2 options, comp x amount of dollars / take ban and appeal. this will make the server more active.
  5. show me where mass inviting is against the rules never said i didnt so whats ur point?
  6. Not anymore. Admins got salty af and literally disabled the option to open gang menu. Proof that they are holding us back/abusing powers.
  7. We are back and ready to fight message for invite! We are having some trouble with our gang menu. It keeps closing out and we can't invite. It works sometimes but not %100 so I am very sorry if we cannot get invites out to you right away.
  8. you must not have seen my recent post about adding stuff in the mountains east of kavala... I completely understand. my gang shed was above dp14 gas station by heroin field and I would spend all my time filling it up with katibas/mk1s/vests/ammo/scopes/ect for my gang so they can always fight..but it got blown up by chronic 24/7 and it ruined everything... that ruins asylum gaming. blowing u houses shouldn't be abused.... anyways... this way, the owner never has to show himself. he can stay cloaked in the shadows but the owner will be able to see who wants to buy it. If the owner sells it, he will get the moolah baby and the buyer will get a message "Congratulations! blah blah blah" and walah boom bang bing bam we outti
  9. Hi. It's almost impossible to find a good property unless you know a guy that knows a guy. I suggest making an option to send a request/offer to the owner so when they log in they can see that someone might want to pay a few million for it. Why is this better than just listing it on the market? Because people might want to sell a house but not be sure of a price Or like me, I have them up for 5mil but if I logged into a request for 3mil id take it but I won't put it on the market for 3mil because sometimes I get lucky. I also suggest making an option to go up to a house and have it a link option that will connect you to the players forum account profile so you can find the owner easier, to send a message. Add a 1 hour cooldown to be able to send a message so it's not abused. If the forum account name is the same as their in-game name sure, they can find out who owns it. So maybe change ur name if one day ur house gets blown up...or make it against the rules to abuse this system. OR - let the player send the owner a request. It'll show the players name who wants to buy it and the owner can decide if they want to sell it, thus protecting the owners identity. "xxxxxx has accepted your request of xxxx$, the property is now yours!" Much more efficient than making a thread. Why not just add a little tag that appears with the owners name to the home improvement option? Because then everyone can just find peoples house and blow them up. My method limits abuse.
  10. and i thought my ideas were good!! imagine the kavala drive by in a van
  11. i went to school for graphic design/coding and been in the business for 16 years maybe i can help u out
  12. use coke to sell mk1's at black market- get a dp14 or d15 house. ill give you perm keys to a garage in d14 or 15 and u can spawn at ur house and do runs back and forth. also great for meth! fill ur house with ing, get a hackback from my garage and do quick runs ull make millionns + if u craft ur own guns/vests ur gooooooood
  13. dude i am literally the best rper you ever met for a very short time. like 45- to 1minute and 30seconds to defeat the enemy at a perfect time. i will make you skins
  14. my point exactly of an ill minded creature yet limiting asylums potential. sorry you're not mature enough to grasp the concept young boy. and ik you already know i havent logged into arma3 seriously in weeks so yeah.. ive been on a new game for awhile now shows how this idea is to purely help asylum grow since I dont actively play anymore I just understand shit outside the fucking box no dude ur looking at it all wrong. its not 'go play another mode' its bring it within asylum and make shit better
  15. Hello and good evening. Ask yourselves, what is and end game Wanderer, Conqueror of altis lands of a fellow like me supposed to do when he hops onto asylum other than the same old gang shit? What motivates me to want to play asylum when I already have houses full of all the weapons/money you can ever need? In any game, SKINS are the main attraction. Quests are a great idea. I suggest adding onto them. A final reward. If you complete a chain quest + reward others with an item/skin if they have completed x amount of quests. Option 1: An incriminate of 5 quests = a color for your sportshatch (5,10,15,20) If they complete 30, a gold/chrome skin. Same thing applies for completing an end game quest for example, once you have Heisenberg title/ punisher/and whatever else quest or achievement, will allow you to unlock a unique gun / clothing / example (turtle nvgs or some type of robe for the most deadliest assassins') Now while this isn't world of warcraft, they have a tier system you get from raiding. Its all I can think of to give you an example of what I mean when I say you should have a unique type of armour set that is end game.. for those who put in thousands of hours that got to much drip asylum has to offer.. adding rewards / skins of this nature would highly motivate people to start to quest and give people like me more of a desire to want to log on. A server with a more matured fungul, like a mushroom.. A special requirement to join server 2. For example, those who have completed all of these achievements/quests/the pvp zone spoken of below x amount of points will give you an item/ability to log into server 2, giving asylum players even more of an asylum knowing their would be way more roleplay than just you're average kill or be killed mind set. I also suggest reducing the population to 75 on server 2 and doing some major changes that can drastically change the players outlook they have for the future. Server 2 new changes: Serious/mature roleplay. non robotic. This means non god mod cop restraints. 1. Allow people to combat log if they get restrained. If someone doesn't want to role-play they can just mute/afk so the fact you added a body bag means without needing to escort the bag to jail means you actually only care for the $$ not role-play so the accusation of saying 'dont cb log cuz its a roleplay server is adjunct to a reversed option which means a bounty hunter will need to wait x amount of time it would take to drive to prison you cannot escort a body bag due to insufficient coding knoweldge.Its a much more mature way to go about it and will change the entire spectrum of the asylum world. Its not healthy to keep your idealogy that players will kill rebels in cop restrains constantly to the point where it made it impossible for cops to proccess anyone. Thats a reflection of how it is for rebels to try to collec drugs and they are forced to fight a non stop wave of cops until they get caught. The fact we can't put players into anything other than sports hatch back is scuffed like wtf. Creates that much more time to cops to come save acop if hes being kidnapped on goes against the arma3 life laws of physics, if altered creates a negative affect within human mind. Sitting in the ride after you get caught just creates a sour attitude for most so best let them just get off the pc not be like nope!@!! nope, u needto stay!@! nope!!!!! and just pissing the rebel off. 2. Cops would actually drop gear when role-played with. Why? Because a player would know what server 2 is all about. It'd have an essence of its own where the soul power would be at maximum. 3. Kavala Cave. This place would be crazy for an enhanced pvp vendor. tl'dr give us another option for obtaining skins for weapons/gear/vehicles other than only donating. asylum has so much potential of becoming a land full of magical and mysterious wonders! stop letting those with lack of knowledge cripple the greatness asylum contains. right now all you ever see are the same digi skin/black orca and now a wolfdew hatchback, maybe a cool ifrit/orca skin once in a blue mmon. wolf dew was once the most insane skin at one point now its as common as a rusted. EDITED: ADD an alliance system where the alliance with have a different colored name so we members in a gang know they have ties with them. Everyone in gang realizes how this would increase roleplay and make more friendships but the haters incontrol of asylum don't want it because they are haters. ------------------------------------------- KoTH Within asylum!? This area would contain two things. Points per kill+rating. These system have such great potential to give reason to log on and get some kills to look forward to something. Its where the real killers are at. Where true skill shines in battle to impress the Gods. It has many hills. Rocks of all shapes and sizes. Ditches to lay and even a cave.. The perfect battle scene where even a solo player can eliminate entire gangs and more.. Requires at least .556 bullet pen. Location for Vendor. Whatever dp is south of kavala, from weed pro towards air shop. Real estate would expand south because people would fill their houses for this koth area especially, to get high rating for the best loot. Thronos- would increase traffic enroute of LSD area if people are driving up and down from the vendor to pvp area. While it'd take some time to find the perfect point per kill/rating number for what type of gear, I do think it would work very well if done correctly. I was thinking 2-3 credits per kill and 1850 / 2200 / 2600 for skins/gear/ect. 2600 rating you can purchase rogue assasin armour and be a liquid drip king all over these fools. Adding a deployable tank/air strikes/ ect for a set amount of time for rebels to use tactically at their own discretion. these would be at a very high rating like 2600 so they cant be abused. Since police would eventually show up, either give more points/rating for killin cops or a special point that will let us purchase something special like a .50 cal bullet for the type .115
  16. Sorry to hear about your troubles man. We are the biggest gang on the server and sometimes we get a couple clowns. I hope you stay because we love you.
  17. pretty sure ive posted plenty about putting another drug near thronos because the real estate was all used up in the other spots. shortly after, during my break you add lsd. Where or not you had it planned, I spoke of the concept in one of my posts. Just because you don't announce that something was implemented because of a person doesn't mean they don't know what will make things better. For example, robbable medical marijuana dispensaries+the alliance system showing allies names in a different color would make a massive difference within your community. im glad i thought of the idea, now u wont use it so ha i win bcuz if u did it right it'd be awesome but nope you don't have the correct people guiding you sorry Allowing us to use different symbols in our names, like we used to be able to would make all the difference as well but you took that away to due to lazyness. you literally took 3 things from olympus or they brought them here which is godmode restraints, cartel money in bank and the font in our names. revert those 3 things and let us keep our charges at prison escape and we can start from their.
  18. not true dude. I'm a perfect example how this comment is a good backyard bully tough guy act but the reality is you are WRONG and are being persuaded by the spineless snakes that sway into your favor in the shadows. do us a favor.. fix your server tell all these little pussies to gtfo and start people real G's like me in charge. im glad you got rid of @Chow Meinbut its time to fix the evil things they have all done to others rather than acting like its all good no worries. asylum coulda been so much different if these queer boy mamma boys didnt ruin everything over all these years
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