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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Dredge

  1. Not gonna happen Why do I feel like you are still mad at me for what happened at Highway Patrol the other day?
  2. Title says it all! Trying to get money making operations going for the gang again and I am looking for some places to stash our powdered donuts
  3. Dredge

    player id

    To locate your player ID go into Arma at the title screen. From there select profile (the silhouette of a person on the top right), select unit, select edit, click the 'Unit' drop down box, and select custom. This will be a 17 digit number starting with 7656
  4. Dredge


    To run for Gov you need to visit the Government Building in Pyrgos. There is a sign in there to run for gov. Good luck!
  5. Not true. I steal hemmts, box trucks, and zamaks all the time and chop them after I empty them out. I even finally got me a APD Hunter the other day. Chopped it and gave the money to the new players that helped me.
  6. That is your opinion. I can tell you that the recent admin team was fully vetted. Interviewed and trained. It wasn't a "Welcome to the team do your thing". We had Admins and CM's with us every step of the way.
  7. Before my time. When my mod group went through it wasn't an easy process.
  8. The staff is vetted quite well, and we are always careful to as Clint put it "Not be dicks". Having the debug menu allows us to run events, and deal with problem players. I also echo Clints responses. I had a good sized bank before mod, as well as Ifrits and .50's. I also give new players money especially when they are in Kavala and dont have 2 pennies to rub together. I also take them under my wing and show them how to make more money. I never script them in gear, and I do make trips to rebel for gear. Neither my friends, nor my gang gets any benefit from my position
  9. The APB system rotates through the wanted list. So it isn't always going to be the highest bounty that gets it.
  10. Dredge


    Let's not get carried away...I just pointed out his REAL reason for the Africa trip.....
  11. Dredge


    You seen the movie Lord of War? He's Nick Cage from the movie
  12. You using a regular hard drive? How much RAM? Details man!
  13. Here are my specs. I get about 60ish frames at the prison as well https://gyazo.com/a45fa139a43efdc92e8e924233d69d81
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